[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Still-Shirtless Boy Tahada Pt.3: Tahada Harder![/color][/h2][/center] [b][i][color=ed1c24][i]‘Wind Mage? Well, that wouldn’t be good now would it?’[/i][/color][/i][/b] Hikari thought to himself as he heard a voice call out for a wind mage to blow his steam away. It didn’t seem to be going well though, as soon enough they seemed to be engulfed in the ensuing chaos he caused. It amazed him how no one thought to pause their fight and work together to get rid of what was a disadvantage to all. Wasn’t there such a thing as, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Oh well, it wasn’t to his detriment. He completed his objective, and then some. Though the supposed Wind Mage seemed to be occupied, he knew better than to remain where he was in case they came out victorious. Though, if he had it his way, they’d be crashing face first into the ground right now. The pages of Hikari’s grimoire flipped as steam emerged from his mouth. No one would see his ability, so he poured as minimal mana as possible into his decoy clone. The face almost looked scribbled-on by a toddler due to how little mana was poured in. Hikari didn’t have as big of a mana pool as many here, therefore he had to learn how to better control his mana instead in order to reverse mana. He wanted to save the big stuff for the final trail, which seemed to be ahead of them as they announced less than half of the spheres remained. Hikari chuckled, [b][color=ed1c24]“Just keep your head down, maybe that’s better for both of us?”[/color][/b] The Hikari clone lowered his head, letting its shaggy hair fall over its face as it drifted side to side. The Real Hikari would float until he was right above the smoke cloud, checking his surroundings to make sure he was in the clear before he peered downward. He could see the outline of his clone drifting side to side, before two buffoons nearly destroyed it. Soon, six other figures emerged and completely obliterated the clone. He didn’t care to see what happened to the other two. [b][i][color=ed1c24]‘Idiots, like you, were able to find me in my own ability before I found you? Yeah right! No one fuckin’ thinks anymore.’[/color][/i][/b] Hikari shook his head as he floated higher into the clearing, near the top of the dome away from the chaos in order to secure his position. [hider=tl;dr]Hikari just runs away, no shirt on, two balls in hand...[/hider]