[hider=Character Images] [hider=Image 1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1v1Vl8U.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Image 2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ga4jmjK.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Bruno, Seeing eye dog] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LbUO6Vl.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [b]Character Sheets[/b] ||Name|| [i]Jasmin Anabell Rhodes/ Jazz[/i] ||Age|| [i]32[/i] ||Race|| [i]Prophet, coordinator for the southern branch of the Knights of the Veil[/i] ||Magic|| [i]Along with her incredible ability to sense auras and souls, she can control and channel wind[/i] ||Appearance|| [hair color] Mid back length, curly, and black [eye color] Crystal Blue [height] 5'11 [body build] Athletic [weight] 178 ||Personality|| Jasmine is not the most patient person. Her personality is not one that a lot of people would get along with. She can be impatient, short fused, hot headed, and can be quite brash if she feels she needs to be. She had learned that being nice and sweet might get things done but being brash and fierce gets them done faster. Her role as the coordinator for the southern branch of the Knights of the Veil means that she is always on the go and always working on something. When things start to step away from the plan she had set, she is quick to slap that foot back into line. It does not mean she is purposely cruel. She just understands what is at stake and what would happen if more seals were to be broken. So she tends to be more stern that what the matter may call for. ||History|| Jasmine was always a devout believer ever since a young age. She was raised Catholic and after her confirmation, she began to get visions. They began as images of things she didn't understand at first but as she grew older, they developed to full blown visions and, most the time, they were quite gruesome. The visions were always of angel born who were out in the world in need of guidance and of those who didn't get that guidance in time before the demons got to them. She understood that it was her job to go seeking these children out but she barely understood her own powers, let alone have the ability to go and train another in theirs. So, one day in her late teens, when she was in a particularly bad depressive episode that was brought on by the visions, she poured drain cleaner into her eyes. It worked, to make her blind. It did nothing for her visions. Eventually she had to simply accept that she had a job to do, so she started praying. After a year or two of communing with the angels and getting a hang of life as a blind person, she graduated high school and began her life as a Prophet. Eventually the angels led her to the Knights of the Veil and she organized with them to seek out as many angel born as possible. With her incredible ability to see the demonic souls in a person, she was very useful in clearing areas of demon possessed but it was quickly becoming obvious that it was growing too danger for her to be out in the field. So, she eventually retired from the field to work in coordinating the knights instead, following her visions and the words of the angels to get knights and prophets where they would need to be. She's incredibly good at her job but sometimes, she just needs to get out of the walls of the knights headquarters. So you may find her roaming around from time to time with Bruno, her seeing eye dog, and a knightly escort. She is rarely alone anymore. ||Current Alignment|| Prophet helping coordinate the knights ||Miscellaneous|| Jasmine is completely blind. She uses a white cane to get around and uses a seeing eye dog. His name is Bruno. He's a mutt that she rescued from a shelter and raised from a young pup. He's very protective and has been trained to help her in fights if she needs help. Because Jasmine is blind, her ability to sense auras and people's magical trademarks is far superior than those of other prophets. It's one of the ways she knows who is in front of her. Everyone's aura has it's own little markings, kind of like a printer and a sheet of paper. After she has meet a person a time or two, she can determine who they are just by their aura and voice. It makes her exceptionally good at spotting demon possessed as well but she doesn't go out into the field as much anymore, sticking to teaching angel born and knights in her free time.