[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] The dragon spun around, causing Fleuri's cape to billow and nearly detach from the powerful gust of wind created. Fleuri ducked under the neck and tail as they swung overhead, managing to keep his footing in the momentary but intense gale. The dragon took a moment to address them. It claimed that they needed to "show valor". In other words, at least as Fleuri could surmise, the dragon was advising them to get aggressive and make some bold moves. Best that they not disappoint him, then. As Thrinax repositioned and began to swipe its claw at Fanilly, the matter of footing made Fleuri realize something- with its head raised and one of its front claws being raised to strike at the captain, its other front claw- the one nearest to Fleuri- ought to be firmly planted to maintain the dragon's balance. It'd be but a momentary opportunity, but that was often all it took. If Renar's stratagem hinged on Fleuri doing what he did with the griffin, now was the time to act on it. As the dragon made its attack at the captain, he sprinted towards the dragon's other front claw, scrambling up its limb much as Renar had done. Fanilly gave her, ordering them to strike and claim victory. Even more reason to not disappoint. But first he would need to decide on a spot to strike at the dragon. Renar was going for the dragon's wing membrane, so Fleuri opted to join in the attack on his wing. There were many ways it could go wrong with just one person attacking, but as many, many of their previous fights had shown, multiple knights working together had much greater chance of success. Crawling into position and holding on with one hand, he took his greatsword and jabbed it at the dragon wing's equivalent of an armpit. The spot ought to be flexible enough that, like with armored knights, it [i]should[/i] be less protected than most of its body, and he hoped that it'd disrupt any attempts by Thrinax to disrupt Renar's own strike. [@Psyker Landshark]