[color=#db6b93][h2][b][center]Jewel Cardenas[/center][/b][/h2][/color] [hider=Morning Rituals] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PyyqLAR.png[/img][/hider] Jewel's morning couldn't begin without two essential rituals: a long session in the family home's dance studio, followed by a refreshing dip in the ocean that seemed to wash away all the soreness and tension from her fatigued body. She had just completed the former with more vigor and intensity than usual. A heavy cloud loomed over her mind—not close enough to start shuttering windows and doors, but menacing enough to signal that uncertainty and trouble might be near. The stress within her unfurled with each leap into the air, each stretch of a relevé, and an endless series of pirouettes that would send even the toughest of men to the nearest trash bin. It had been a week since she’d returned to the island to attend the mayor’s funeral and reunite with her community for Azul Days. Her last visit was nearly eight months ago, at Christmas, which she knew was far too long to go without seeing her family. She missed them, especially after noticing how her father’s hair had gone from salt-and-pepper to mostly just salt since she’d last seen him—a testament to the long, hard hours he’d been putting into the business. The very business she was supposed to have taken over by now, so he could enjoy at least some semblance of retirement. Guilt gnawed at her every minute since she’d been home, but the release she experienced with her morning rituals was just enough to take the edge off. The familiar scent of the ocean breeze drifted through the open windows, mingling with the faint aroma of aged wood and old stone that always lingered in the dance studio. Jewel paused for a moment, letting the cool air kiss her skin, her thoughts drifting like the waves outside. The island was home, but it also held the weight of expectations she wasn't sure she could ever meet. The looming festival of Azul Days, usually a time of celebration, felt different this year—more like a crossroads she wasn’t ready to face. “Hey,” a familiar voice said, startling her out of her thoughts. She looked up from where she sat on the floor, sipping from a water bottle and letting a breeze from the open window cool her off. It was her brother Rafael, to whom she raised an eyebrow. [color=#db6b93]“¿Qué pasó?”[/color] she responded. “Don’t forget we’re picking Iris up from her flight later today. Don’t forget,” he said, pointing a finger at her, then tapping the side of his head. His tone was casual, but the reminder was laced with the unspoken expectation that she would be there, just as she was expected to be everywhere else these days. She barely had a chance to grunt in acknowledgment before he was gone. Jewel sighed, taking a moment to process his words. Iris was coming home, another reminder that things were shifting, that change was in the air. The thought made her stomach tighten, but she pushed it aside, focusing instead on the tasks ahead. She took his absence as an opportunity to get up and change into her swimsuit while she contemplated the day ahead. Yes, they needed to pick up Iris this afternoon, and she also needed to make a trip to the grocery store with her mother to prepare for the upcoming celebrations. Azul Days was fast approaching, and while it wasn't spoken out loud, there was always a silent competition to see which prominent family on the island could throw the best party. Jewel's mom really, [i]really[/i] didn’t like to disappoint. Though the start of the festival was still days away, the sheer amount of food they needed to order would require a few extra shipments from the mainland. There was no denying it was extravagant, but Miguel made sure all the money spent on the parties was spent at local businesses to help bolster the economy. Supporting their community was top of mind for the Cardenas family, and sustaining and growing their neighbors would always be a priority. Jewel had changed into her white bikini and could see the sparkling water from the window, enticing her to relish in its blue delight. She grabbed a towel from her bag and made the short journey from the main house to their private beach on the northwestern side of Isla Ramilo. Wasting no time, she pulled her hair down from its claw clip and dropped it on the white sandy beach, along with her light blue towel. A graceful swan dive into the lapping waves sent her submerged into the water, resurfacing several feet away from where she entered, wading deeper and deeper into the sea. Today’s cleansing took a little longer than usual, but as she arrived back at the beach, she felt a renewed sense of purpose, letting the hope that she would know what to do when the time was right guide her into the rest of her day.