[quote=@Tortoise] Heya guys. I'm still here, still interested! I apologize for vanishing, I was simply very busy at work this week. I'm about to finish up reading the characters, and then I'll finalize my concepts. Current ideas are: -a Lunarian doctor who specializes in psychic magic, and functions- essentially- as a medieval fantasy version of a therapist. He uses his psychic magic to try to heal the minds of those traumatized, mentally ill or hurting. -an Aurelian Blight-Born who used to be a priest. After becoming a Blight-Born, he discovered that, in a horrifying twist of fate, the thing he absorbs to keep himself going is Faith. He now drains the most devout believers of their faith in Aelios or Seluna. Not entirely sure which I want to do yet. [/quote] Welcome. Both ideas do sound pretty Intesting. Lettuce welcome you, we can help you catch up with anything and such.