[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210104/a99cdc088aa9c386fb10b51db1d049ee.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=9400D3]Interactions: Adelyn [@Lunarlord34], Kiba [@Cello][/color][/right] Once the beast was in sight, Markovis crouched down and motioned for the other two to do so as well. Then he placed a finger to his lips, staring directly at Adelyn. He wasn't concerned that Kiba might speak and break their element of surprise. But Adelyn...? He wasn't certain she would but if either of them were going to do something foolish like that, it would likely be her. That was the bigger concern he had than whether it was insulting to her or not. With them settled up, he pointed at Kiba then motioned toward the left then motioned his hand as a signal to wait once he got in position. He was fairly certain the silent swordsman would understand that was the position he was being asked to move to. He then pointed at Adelyn and pointed to the ground before flattening his hand and motioning for her to stay low; the beast looked far more formidable than he anticipated. Considering he'd initially shot her down from joining the job because of the danger, he was certain that now this was far more than she was capable of. As for him, he pointed to himself and then pointed to the right. This way everyone knew where everyone was supposed to be. He hoped it meant they were less likely to cause each other harm in trying to subdue the beast. If everything went well, he could subdue the beast into a cryogenic stasis with freezing temperatures. If not - he wasn't looking forward to a fight. Markovis didn't waste time waiting to see if there were questions. He moved into position and watched the beast for another minute before slowly creeping to the very edge of the clearing. Studying this creature alive would do the guards and the guild far more good than dead. Dead was just fine if it meant the beast was no longer posing a risk to the locals. Well, no sense in drawing this whole ordeal out. [right][sup][color=black]Don't hold back.[/color][/sup][/right]A nerve twinged at the right side of the base of his skull. A sudden itch from an involuntary muscle spasm cascaded down to his finger tips. The stoic mage rolled his shoulder and shook out his hand as he stood. He extended out his arm out toward the beast with his hand clenched in a fist. As quick as opening and closing his hand, he cast a sphere of [color=9400D3]Encompassing Freeze[/color] around the beast to suck the heat from its body. If the beast woke, and if the beast broke free, he wagered the thing would spot him and launch an attack at him rather than the others. [right][sup][color=black]Good.[/color][/sup][/right]He was ready for that.