[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fnq8tN8.png[/img][/center] [COLOR=gold][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][I]Jumphaven,[/I] [I]New York[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Chapter Two:[/b] [COLOR=darkgray][I]Disaster & the Danger Room[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub] [center][color=gold][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=darkgray][I][@Omega Man] - Kid Cannonball | [@Crimson Flame] - Ice Beast | [@Silver Carrot] - Marauder [@Half Pint] - Orphan X | [@Polaris North] - Reactor | [@Double] - Spellbinder[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/color][/center] Night Vision did what he could to not drive himself crazy. The woman he loved had been abducted by a cult. If he wasn't out on patrol trying to find a lead he was in the Danger Room beating up on holo-droids. He was barely sleeping and would only fall asleep out of exhaustion most of the time. He'd even been in contact with his old mentor, Dark Claw, and that's when you knew it was serious. Grayson was asleep on the couch in the living room type of area in the top of the T Tower. The tv was on and playing the news. It was talking about the usual stuff; the Tri-Sentinel's possible whereabouts, the relief efforts in Genosha and Marakoa, as well as some celebrity that was rescued by Spider-Boy in NYC. "Anybody wanna try me on Street Kombat IX?" asked Gridlock looking at the other tv and the game system attached to it. "I'm good, man. I think since Scott's passed out I might give the holo-droids a play through." Kid Cannonball replied while stretching and making his way to the elevator to go to the right floor for the Danger Room [it's actually colosseum sized and underground!]. Gridlock walked over to the other side of the living room or den or whatever it was and turned the video game on. He waited for somebody to join him but couldn't help hearing about the relief efforts in Genosha and Marakoa. He wondered if any of the team's friends or family were on the islands. Vic also thought about other heroes who might rejoin the squad during this time of meta-mutant crisis. Down in the lower levels of the T Tower, Sam finally made it to the entrance of the Danger Room. He walked past the teleportation technology that was on loan from Grayson's connections in the JLoA and straight into the control room. After hitting a few buttons and selecting some enemies he pulled his goggles down and got ready for action. His yellow and red jacket were back upstairs in his quarters, but he had a white tanktop on with his suit's pants as well as his gloves. After stepping into the Danger room the holo-droids began taking shape into civilians and the surroundings shifted into a standard big-city block. The villains that took shape were a pair of familiar faces... Billy Infinity and the Scare-Crow! Sam blasted through the air taking down as many duplicates of Billy Infinity as he could while chasing after the aerial adversary with wings and a scythe. If nobody else was going to tag along in the Danger Room, Kid Cannonball might just lose the match. After grounding the master of fear, KC went in close for a few strikes before the Danger Room mimicked the fear inducing powers of Scare-Crow. A gang of Billy Infinity's had caught up with the flying duo and now it appeared as if a bird like beast combined with a cornfield scarecrow had an army of humanoid meta-mutant monsters. Sam was completely tripping balls. He had never faced the Scare-Crow, he'd just heard somebody mention fighting him at the old school they'd just fought the Herald at and Sam figured he'd give it a shot since it was another flyer.