[hider=A villain? Oh don't be so certain...] [b]Name:[/b] [color=6ecff6][b]Gadez Paladice[/b][/color] [i][color=6ecff6][b]"My name is the only title I ever need. What is yours? So that I may properly arrange your tombstone. Would you have some misfortunate… event."[/b][/color][/i] [hider=Theme] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptIzCforlRc [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] [b][color=6ecff6]37[/color][/b] [i][color=6ecff6][b]"Age does not equal wisdom, learn this as you wither, wretched old king."[/b][/color][/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Paladice (catbox link)] [img]https://files.catbox.moe/i6hhwf.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Paladice (Imgur link)] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/rB7ZpkY.png[/img] [/hider] Youthful appearance for his age, and with a well kept body, built like an acrobat. No visible wrinkles, lacks scars. Has a tattoo on his chest depicting a circle with a triangle inside it, then a square within that and lastly another circle at the core. Clean shaven. Has ghostly piercing eyes, dramatically gestures with his entire body when speaking most of the time, speaks in a calm, soothing but at the same time quite cold tone of voice when relaxed or serious, and in a taunting or mocking one when in a more carefree mood or amused. [i][color=6ecff6][b]"Looks can deceive you, but I assure you, I will not."[/b][/color][/i] [b]Race:[/b] [color=6ecff6][b]Human[/b][/color] [i][color=6ecff6][b]"I chose to believe in mankind."[/b][/color][/i] [b]Kingdom:[/b] [color=6ecff6][b]Lunaris (Aurelia formerly)[/b][/color] [i][color=6ecff6][b]"Where does one truly belong though? They say home is where your people are. But what if you have no people? What then?"[/b][/color][/i] [b]Role:[/b] [color=6ecff6][b]Warrior-monk of the golden death. (Former) Circus performer (Former) Gardener (Current)[/b][/color] [i][color=6ecff6][b]"Particular talents call for particular places to work ones craft."[/b][/color][/i] [b]Magic:[/b] [color=6ecff6][b]Healing (Adept level) Psychic (Advanced level) Fire (Expert level)[/b][/color] [i][color=6ecff6][b]"Magic is impressive, but it's worthless if you don't have the will to wield it."[/b][/color][/i] [b]Short Bio:[/b] He was born to unknown upper class parents in Aurelia, at the outskirts of the capitol. Yet became orphaned at a young age after his family mansion had caught fire. Leaving him the only survivor of the blaze. Thus he was taken to a distant monastery to become a monk. It became clear early on that he had a exceptional affinity for fire magic, which in turn caused the monks to send him further away to a more specialized monastery, belonging to an order of warrior-monks. Within stone walls he came to learn plenty. Sparring with weapons, hand-to-hand combat, reading about philosophy and history and many other valuable things, practicing fire and healing magic under older and more experienced magic users. Whilst the order of the golden death, the warrior-monks which he now belonged with was for the most part devout followers of Aelios, he was not. He refused to offer her prayers, especially kneel before her shrine. Not all things taught are heeded. After many years his stay at the monastery came to a halt with the appearance of the blightborn. After an attack on the monastery by said blightborn, it was put aflame and once again it seemed like he was once more the sole survivor of an inferno. The Aurelian kingdom was looking for the rumored survivor to ask what had happened at the monastery, but to no avail. Having already displeasure of the king of Aurelia, he left for the neighbouring kingdom of Lunaris, joining a travelling circus there, being the acrobat and fire display user of the group. His time with the circus was a chance to see more of the world and meeting people, one of the circus crew, their fortune teller, illusionist and overall psychic trickery person caught his interest. He came to learn the basics of using psychic magic, however he almost completely disregarded it offensive wise, chosing only to use telekinesis, the rest of his focus went to defend against that very type of magic, to break illusions, form a telekinetic barrier, or to prevent people from prying into his mind by magical means. Whilst his fire magic wasn't as effective as it used to be since the blight affected it, it was still a mostly offensive form of magic he wielded, to use more than one to that degree felt like a waste to him. At a later point he was introduced to an elderly seer of Lunaris, who was impressed with his ability to resist his prying attempts and trained under said elder until the latter's unfortunate death by old age. After having left the circus, he found work as a gardener for the royals in Lunaris, yet never discarded his weapon or armor, neither did he forget the path he had trodden and his daily training. Being a gardener may have seemed like a far leap away from what he were, but it was such a good opportunity to get a glimse into the lives of the royals and those which attended to them. It did bring back memories for him, of the royals in Aurelia and how much he despised it's king. The king which had left the monastery without aid, the king which had wronged so many. Having heard of the foundation of Dawnhaven and that the princess of Lunaris and the prince of Aurelia would be there was too much of a chance to pass up. [i][color=6ecff6][b]"Each story has a beginning and an end. Yet it is often at the end that one realizes ones place. What matters the most then? Your epitaph. A garden must be taken care of, weeds must be tossed into the light and burn."[/b][/color][/i] [b]Misc:[/b] - He is not using his birthname, but the name he's chosen for himself. - Wields a sword-staff, the blade is the length of a broadsword and theres a grip long enough to equal it. - Wears a black breastplate, leather boots (metal over top of foot), leather gloves (metal bracers), has a metal neckguard to protect his neck, has a purple cloak, black pants, carries a waterskin and a belt with some pouches with dried meat. That is when he's not being about being a sneaky gardener. [i][color=6ecff6][b]"Time to live, time to grieve."[/b][/color][/i] [/hider] [hider=Ayel Raunefeldt] [b]Name:[/b] [color=f49ac2]Ayel Raunefeldt[/color] [b]Age: [/b] [color=f49ac2]24[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://files.catbox.moe/b2pslw.jpg[/img] [b]Race:[/b] [color=f49ac2]Human[/color] [b]Kingdom:[/b] [color=f49ac2]Aurelia[/color] [b]Role:[/b] [color=f49ac2]Marquess in Aurelia (Current) Aurelius Emporium Guildmaster (Current)[/color] [b]Magic:[/b] [color=f49ac2]Light magic:[/color] Ayel is a capable light magic user, while not being able to compete with true masters of the art, he is good enough that he can brag to others about it, and scoff at those who has 'Enough freetime for such frivilous things' to mastered it. His light magic is for the most part offensive in nature, and lacking finesse and control. Prefering to hurl the equalent of fireballs of light energy to explode at things, or fierce short duration beams of light. [color=f49ac2]Illusion magic:[/color] A very rare magic to possess or practice, Ayel first became enthralled by the magic upon learning that it could be used to create illusions of himself and the nearby area. Unlike with light magic, this is something which the marquess has put effort into to become better at using, he is especially fond of creating copies of himself to admire both from a distance aswell as up close. For as far as he's concerned they are perfect from any distance and angle. [color=f49ac2]Short Bio:[/color] Ayel is the middle child to a former duke, having inherited great wealth and influence over politics and trade in Aurelia. His family have been firm supporters of the royal family and of the Aelios clergy. Ayel is a firm believer in the goddesses, but only pay his respects to Aelios, considering himself to be 'her most favored child'. To say the man is a narcissist is an understatement, he is viscious, coldhearted and haughty. Considering himself leagues above everyone, even the royals but he would never say it to their face. He shows curtesy however to other nobles and to the royals, and to some degree the clergy of Aelios. However other people are not as fortunate, often finding themselves on the receiving end of his judgemental and condescending words. Ayel is the grandmaster for a trading company, and always on search for making more of a profit and pandering to the rich and gloating at the poor. Often relishing in causing them suffering, raising prices of something they may want just out of spite. His sadistic nature has also led the man to apply for various roles. He is very keen on being nosy and elevating other peoples suffering into a form of art. Squeezing out every last coin if need be. The man is also a germophobe, always wearing gloves when touching door handles, items or goddess forbid… other people. He considers the blightborn to be smelly peasants and on near equal footing to other peasants. He however sees no use to kill them, not when he could legally try to enslave them or indebt them. Because where there is money involved, there must not be a lack of creativity. The man takes pleasure in making others lives miserable, a true sadist at the core. He's weak towards flattery, and the more praise hurled in his direction, the more likely he is to overlook his regular restraints. He enjoys to decorate his home with statues of himself, paintings of himself and mirrors. He enjoys fine drinks and fine food, but is paranoid about people trying to poison him or if the food is somehow compromised by germs. He also hates mud, prefering to use his servants as makeshift bridges whenever having to cross such a landscape. To some it may come across as the man is completely oblivious or unfeeling, as if he has not an ounce of compassion in his body. But this isn't entirely true. As the man cares about himself a great deal, to the point that when things gets dangerous he will always prioritize his own survival. Aside from his phobia for germs, the Marquess also has an unreasonable fear for poor people, children and flirty women. Often reacting in a hysterical manner would any of the three lay their UNCLEAN hands on him. He is also having nightmares about receiving scars or having someone hit him in his beautiful face. If engaged in a battle, he is eager to show whomever is on the receiving end his superiority, usually by unleashing his magic in the most flashy and reckless way possible. There is no such thing as overkill to the man. He is often accompanied by his aide, advisor and servant called Faldrin. Who equally often ends up being a vessel of suffering and receiving the brunt of the man's temper tantrums or whatever may come his way. Ayel also has two guards with him at times, but they are for the most part left to guard his belongings and make sure that whomever he is putting to work, keeps working. He currently have six workers accompanying him and three temporary carriage drivers, although none of those are allowed to sit in his carriage or goddess forbid come into contact with him. The workers are there to build his new Dawnhaven manor and trading post. [color=f49ac2]Misc:[/color] - Has not a single scar. (yet) - Always carries a handmirror with him - Wears rings of precious metals and gemstones on each of his fingers. Also has a collection of necklaces, but wearing a locket around his neck with a painting of his now deceased mother. - Carries a sheathed rapier by his belt, about as decorated as the man himself. - Owns three carriages and various furniture etc. - Always sports the latest perfumes and attires. - Has a ton of coin with him. [/hider] [hider=Anora] [color=f6989d][b]Name:[/b][/color] Anora Opal Raunefeldt [s]Anora Opal Malkin[/s] [color=f6989d][b] Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=f6989d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img]https://files.catbox.moe/7enbcz.jpg[/img] [color=f6989d][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=f6989d][b]Kingdom:[/b][/color] Aurelia [color=f6989d][b]Role:[/b][/color] Alchemist [color=f6989d][b]Magic:[/b][/color] Earth magic (gem creation and plants), light magic (Thin beams) [color=f6989d][b]Short Bio:[/b][/color] Anora early life is covered in mystery, as her mother died giving birth to her and her father gave her away to an Aurelian orphanage. She was only left with an odd looking ring of gold which the orphanage headmistress kept from her til she had gotten old enough. The ring was the only link to her biological family, she only hoped someday someone might recognize it and point her where to look. The inside of the ring bearing the initials C.M. Anora had long assumed the ring belonged to her birthmother, she had often asked the people in the Aurelian capitol if they knew anyone by the name of Malkin. The answers ranged from the most outrageous to grim, but there was some who said things which made sense to her. Her mother was a noblewoman with an illness that made walking difficult, she had very seldomly been seen outdoors. She had been described as a darkhaired woman with grey eyes and pale skin. It was said she was a researcher of some kind. When asking about her father, Anora had been getting far less. Some claimed he was Duke Raunefeldt himself, and that's why she had been adopted by their family after her mother had passed away. But Anora knew this wasn't the case, as she had learnt plenty of her foster father's problems in producing heirs from her foster mother. Perhaps abit too much information than she had wanted. As for her biological father, all other rumors and sightings pointed to that he was either a knight, a man of the clergy or some wandering bard. Perhaps she would never know. If she could only figure out what the strange design of the ring meant. It had something to do with her mother and her studies. She was certain of it. It was almost as if it were a signet ring, she knew what the markings were. Fire. Earth. Air. Water. But they were intertwined together? What did it mean? While her foster mother was not very fond of her studies, her foster father was much more supportive even if he wasn't being present for most of her youth. Anora came to enjoy making her own tea when not blowing things up by combining elements in her study. She was also looking for some way to create a cure for all ailments, perhaps that had been what her mother had sought? A cure for her illness? But she had no idea what illness it were. There was no way she could know. When not enwrapped with her studies, magical training and experiments, she was taught plenty of etiquette from her foster mother, but despite being reprimanded, she still wanted to join her foster brothers on their respective adventures. Despite being quite younger than both Ayel and Andros, she was intent on following them, alongside Prince Flynn and any of his other friends. Anora liked Flynn plenty, often seeing him as the ideal white knight. Although Ayel often was picked by the prince to stay behind whenever they were off to do something, and Andros often got distracted mid-way by spotting a butterfly or a cricket to give chase after. Despite having differences with both of her foster brothers, she came to like both of them, even if she had to reprimand both of them for behaving bad. Typically it was Ayel being abusive to the old butler, the chef, the maids, the carriage driver... the more she thought of it. Most people. And her other brother had to sometimes be yelled at for blocking the road while picking up stones or poking at some dead bug with a stick. But all things considered she felt blessed, she had gotten a lucky hand and ended up with a family that had plenty of wealth and she never had to be hungry or be in need of anything. Except the one thing she craved more than anything else. Answers. Then the world had gone dark, the blightborn had also come forth. While she had never laid her eyes on one, she was certainly concerned. What had caused the world to drastically change like that? When she heard about the foundation of Dawnhaven, she had already made up her mind about what she needed to do. With her foster father and foster mother dead, there was no one to stop her from leaving the capitol. Her foster brother Ayel had however, despite his vast backpack and loaded carriages, beaten her to setting off towards Dawnhaven. Flynn was there too. And wherever the prince were, her brother would surely to follow. It made her think of prisoners and the ball and chain. Perhaps it would be good for Flynn to have someone like her brother to hold him back? She couldn't help but giggle at the idea, before climbing into her own carriage. Setting off towards Dawnhaven herself. She wanted to help out. It was only partly the reason. But she had received a letter from someone which told her that what she was looking for was to be found in Dawnhaven, if she wanted to find it. The cure of all ailments? She didn't know who sent her the letter, but her foster brother and Prince Flynn were there. The adventure of a lifetime. She was certain her remaining brother Andros would be able to handle the affairs in the capitol with his four aides. She watched as the carriages set out, her main one and the following one having all the belongings she needed for the trip. She only hoped the more volatile bottles wouldn't explode on the way to Dawnhaven. [color=f6989d][b]Misc:[/b][/color] - Carries an umbrella with a hidden blade at the top. - She's an able alchemist and magician, possessing a more energy conservative and clever way of using magical powers. An outside-the-box thinker. - Makes great tea which dulls all senses. - Lethal baker. She makes small pastries that are so sweet and full of sugar that it dulls the taste senses for the rest of the day. - Can make poisons if required. Not her speciality. - Usually wears a dress down to her ankles, corset and bloomers. - Can make special potions. - Able to identify various gemstones and plants. But she cannot identify animals as well. Thinking a badger is a small bear. - Loves rodents. - Can be highly jealous at times. - Has dark and blonde hair, split midway. One side is dyed. [/hider] [hider=He's a pirate!] [b]Name:[/b] [color=f7976a][b]Claret Carneylus Crown[/b][/color] [b] Age:[/b] [color=f7976a][b]27[/b][/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://files.catbox.moe/rwyik2.jpg[/img] Claret dresses typically in a red, yellow and black pirate coat with black pants and a white frilled undershirt. He has sewed on a pair of extra arms for his coat. His pirate hat he sadly gifted away to a boy at a black market. He wears a eyepatch on his forehead, but it seldom covers any of his eyes. He got some buckled boots and a pair of leathery gloves, four in fact. [b]Race:[/b] [color=f7976a][b]Blightborn[/b][/color] [b]Blight-Born Traits:[/b] - Has two extra arms. - Red eyes - Black hair which has for the most part turned white or greyish - Pale skin - Sharp elongated cornerteeth [b]Blight born type:[/b] Classical. Blood drinker. [b]Kingdom:[/b] [color=f7976a][b]Lunaris[/b][/color] [b]Role:[/b] [color=f7976a][b]Pirate (former) Pirate captain (former) Wanted scoundrel[/b][/color] (Hunted by the Lunaris kingdom for: Piracy, robbery, brigandry, highwaymanship, slander, arson, theft, theft of famous jewelry, illegally kissing the late queen on the cheek after bumping into her, horsethievery, breaking into a prison, breaking out of a prison, raising the Aurelian banner in the Lunaris capitol, attempting to sell wax food as real food, vagrancy, stealing potatoes, sold the very horse he stole from a farmer back to him claiming it was another horse, and many other things) (Hunted by the Aurelian kingdom for: Piracy, Attending a ball uninvited, kissing of a noble daughter for all to see, breaking a artist made painted window to make his escape, stealing from the aurelian temples, theft of priest attire, mimicking a priest, stealing from the Raunefeldt family home, pretending to be a guard, theft of a wagon, theft and breaking of one-of-a-kind vase from the local museum, taking four scimitars made by the local smith and then paying with stolen gold and many other things) [b]Magic:[/b] [color=f7976a][b]Air magic (Expert)[/b][/color] [b]Short Bio:[/b] Claret was taken in at an early age by his scoundrel of an uncle after his parents had an unfortunate accident while fishing for shrimp. His uncle in question was a pirate, ladiesman and overall reliever of other people's property whenever possible. Claret picked up many of his uncle's particular personality traits as he looked to him as a father figure. He early on served aboard the Crown Jewel, the aptly named ship of his pirate uncle. His initial role on the ship was aiding the magician aboard whose main role was using his mastery of air magic to blow wind into the sails whenever there was a particular need for it. Like outrunning whomever was coming to try and stop them from their livelyhood, or catch up with those juicy looking merchant ships. Due to his uncle's request he was taught not to kill unless truly given no other choice, and this teaching still lingers with him to the current day. He will never kill a defeated opponent unless given no other choice to solve a situation or if they have committed a truly heinous or unforgivable act. As Claret's parents perished in a shrimp fishing incident, the man has vowed to not eat shrimp nor fish it, unless his very life would depend on it. It hits him way to close to heart. The scoundrel of a man has a witty tongue, quick and always ready to hurl in comments whenever possible, even if the situation is highly inappropriate. He's a very capable of using air magics and has a hefty bit of endurance and great balance, especially on ships, up on wooden beams or while climbing on ropes. His swordmanship is however even more potent than his magical prowess, the man enjoys sparring and fighting, having done plenty of it aboard the Crown Jewel with or without betting. One of his favorite things to do to pass time. He also enjoys playing cardgames, dart throwing contests and the occasional drinking contest. He's abit of a showman aswell, given the chance he likes beating up others at their own game. Even if it's a game he's not familiar with. Claret is beaming with confidence and isn't afraid to show it. The man isn't good at using coin sparingly, and often finds himself living way above his standard with things. Sometimes he 'borrows' drinks and food from other people's plates. But equally often he shares some of his food if someone else needs a little extra. Unfortunately his days as a pirate is over, despite having been promoted to captain of the Crown Jewel, the ship ended up crashing into a reef during an intense storm despite his attempts to control the very storm itself with his magic, nothing could prevent the disaster. Lightning struck the lookout post and the greatest sail aswell, which caused the ship to gradually tilt and go under. The rowboats were launched and his crew got into them one after the other, but he remained on board to try to steer the ship towards a nearby beach. He wasn't intending on letting his uncle's, and now his precious ship and home to go down without a fight. That's when the great wave came, it blew him into the sea, and he was hit by a barrel that had come lose and gave him a concussion, he then clung to the only piece of wood he could find. Save for his own. The steering wheel of the Crown Jewel, it kept him afloat in the stormy water. And he began to feel pain... surging pain. But he was too tired to even scream and eventually he found himself, much like driftwood on a beach. Nearby scattered all over the beach were pieces of the ship and many bodies of his shipmates. Birds had already begun to feast upon them. He had awoken to one picking on his cheek, not realizing he was still alive. Just how long had he been out of it? He swirled his four arms around to scare it away. Wait? His four arms? What manner of nightmare had he woken up into? His mates were dead, his ship was gone and now he could count to twenty with his fingers alone. He had always been handy with his hands, but this was crazy. He was mourning all that which he had lost, but at the same time couldn't help but admire his extra pair of arms and hands. Too bad he no longer had anyone to show them to. It wasn't long before he felt a powerful urge, a hunger. He wanted to eat something. Drink something. His eyes set on a white seagull nearby. Then with a haste he didn't even knew he had he flung at it, catching it with his four hands. They stared at each other for a few seconds. [color=f7976a][b]"Ye ate me mates birdy. Nay hard feelins', but ye are officially dinin' with the captain. Better say ye prayers to Seluna, heck we'd both be doin' tha'. Fly fly, birdy bye!"[/b][/color] He opened his mouth instinctively and his newly formed sharp cornerteeth glimmered in the moonlight. The scene then faded to black. [b]Misc:[/b] - Capable swimmer - Able climber - Brushes his teeth after every meal. - Carries a ton of hidden weapons, typically throwing daggers on his person. The majority of daggers are visible on his chest-belt though. - Does not eat shrimp. - Carries a bottle with emergency rum on his person. - Keeps a handle from the steering wheel from his ship, the Crown Jewel in his pocket as a memento. - Likes to correct himself as "Captain Crown" when he feels there's a need to show-off. - Has sworn not to wear a captain hat anymore until the boy he gifted it to has come to challenge him in the ultimate pirate challenge. That and to honor his fallen mates. - Carries a necklace with a sea-gull skull at it. [/hider]