[color=ffa800][h3]Tinkering:[/h3][/color] [hr] [table=bordered] [row][cell][color=ffa800]Scrap Saver:[/color] Deconstructed devices & metal objects drop additional scrap metals and components that can be used for tinkering. [quote]“One man’s trash, is another man’s spring for a lovely wall clock!”[/quote] ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ [/cell] [cell][color=ffa800]Gear Head:[/color] Allows the use of tinkering with devices directly in the field modify their traits instead of simply activating or deactivating the device. Normally a tinkering crafting station would be needed. =. This consumes scraps and other components. [quote]“This trap is great, but… what if I made if I moved that cog over here-?” [/quote] ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎[/cell] [cell] [color=ffa800]Ballistic Craftsman 2:[/color] Grants a moderate chance of adding an additional perk when crafting or modifying a firearm. [quote]“The barrel could use some work, but with some love it’ll be blasting through walls.”[/quote] ‎‎ ‎[/cell][/row] [/table]