[center][h1][color=FF8C00][b]Freakshow[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [quote=Ardent] "You're right, but--" He thrust the signpost into another lizard's chest as he spoke, repelling enemies from Freakshow's left flank while she spearheaded the charge, "--We can't just leave the lizards out here, either. Rushing to the heart of the plant all together is the strongest play, but it's not the right play."[/quote] [color=FF8C00]"....You're right."[/color] One of her heads looked to him and spoke in Luna's normal voice, though her tone was a little more audibly subdued than it had been prior. But as much as she wanted to just charge in and get this over with-....she....ah hell. It was hard enough to admit, but she'd admit it rather than deny anything and fumble about trying to justify something stupid 'again' in her life. At least if she could help it. But how couldn't she be a bit worried about all of this, hmm? They had total newbies who likely didn't know squat about the danger of Zards and how it could still be rather bad even if you were some 'super badass' or something, and damn it all she'd held a man's severed head before just trying to get someone out of a stupid ass situation they'd all gone into without getting the blasted clue beforehand. Did she want that again? Did she want to see any of those other things happen again to people, teammates or otherwise? Hell. F******. No. It ate away at her just to know the possibility, but in the end she couldn't just make it all simply go as she wished no matter how hard she wishes she could. In. Out. Done. Everyone comes home in one piece or something. All just to keep her own mind at ease about the state of her own little personal world here at the very least. Just to feel like she could say something and bring anything useful to this blasted team. She'd shed enough blood. She'd seen enough blood shed too. Why couldn't she just make it all work out so everyone went home and no one ever had to deal with crap this like this ever again, hmm?! ...Ah. Breathe. In and out. Just breathe. If they let these things get out into Brookside proper and set up actual nests once they weren't being controlled or something (she felt that was the case here)? It'd be just as bad as if they'd run away and not solved the problem at all before letting it balloon even more out of control. So yes, they'd need to have people screening these things and keeping them out of Brookside as much as possible. Even if that's what the morons inside of the building wanted, as she personally suspected, for them to do. They were heroes, so they had to try to actually save people for pity's sake! What was the point otherwise? [quote]He looked to Luna, his face lightly splattered with scales and reptile blood. He grinned. "You're worried about what these things can do. Fine. But it's time to show some trust. These things are dangerous, but so are we!"[/quote] The head looking back at Ardent as the trio of heroes moved along toward the building would crack, even if for a moment, a grin of some sort. A grin, in the middle of all of this situation as the rest of herself was mulching Zards and the ilk. It all just felt so, so stupid to her in some part....but to hell with that. Trust was a hard thing to come by, but you had to give a little to get a little, right? Had to prove you were trustworthy and give others the chance to trust you too. Ok. It was decided then. [color=FF8C00]"Heh. Alright, alright, trusting you guys it is then. It's just I don't want to be brigin' people home in bags or pieces....never ever again if I can damn well help it."[/color] A rare moment of vulnerability to admit that crap, but they had little time before they'd be inside the building proper. And then? Well, she had no idea what 'surprises' awaited them in there. What idiots were doing all of this. What crap was going on with all of these gangers, and who was fueling the fire they were trying to start by imitating the Blue Skulls of all things. And that brought up once last point as 'Freakshow' took note of who had joined them to go into the building and what they had coming into this new situation. Not a bad setup, certainly still not the best scenario. It's whaat they had to work with in the end regardless, though, so it'd have to make do. [color=FF8C00]"Alright, Ardent, Lab Rat, I ran years ago with the original gang the morons inside are tryin' to imitate the very worst of. I know how the Skulls were goin' with things as well before they....died off. Won't sugar coat it, that probably means someone in there knows me, that this will be personal, and that all means things will get a loot worse for us inside here."[/color] It was all she'd communicate to the two otherwise before they got inside. Had she done some really bad crap before? Yeah, because how would someone ever get the moniker 'Cadaver' otherwise? They took a kid with a strong power and threw her into crap usually only the older ones did because she was 'good firepower' and crap like that or something. Etc. But might as well get that tidbit of information out to the two allies she was 'charging into the breach' with before some lug tried to ramble it out for her like it was some big dramatic theater-kid-esque reveal. [quote=The Asshat Supreme]"Welcome, heroes," he said, his voice oozing the type of overconfidence that was endemic amongst villains. He turned to face Freakshow, staring at her behind the mask. "Welcome home, Cadaver. I'm glad you were able to make it inside our humble abode."[/quote] But once they got inside, some idiot in a mask began to talk to them as his 'friends' seemed to be standing or hanging around as they wished. [color=FF8C00]"No sh**, really? And here I forgot to bring a present for you."[/color] Her tone was half-assed and intentionally a bit mocking, but still. What was most notable about thhe scene, though, was the giant blasted hole in the ground that seemed to be 'leaking' Zards, which likely meant more than what it looked like at face value, and yet as the masked man began to speak it took the ninteen year old a few seconds before the manner of speaking made it finally 'click' in her head who he was. Sure he was spilling as many beans on things as he could too, it seemed, and Luna woujld quietly going to turn on her HERO watch and had one of her many new grotesquely-warped heads whisper to ALISA to record what the mook was saying to boot for potential information and get a picture or so of the scene at large as things went down. Then the arm with the watch on it would withdraw with one of the additional heads inside of her grotesque form to try something else. Outside of that, though, part of her didn't honestly fully know how to respond as she let the man go on with his rambling spiel and used her many heads to eye the situation as one of them looked right back at the masked man in turn. Of course, it also didn't help when the Menace got injected with something strange and hulked the hell out like he was on drugs-...actually, yeah, that'd make sense too. Didn't look the same as she'd read or seen about him in the past though. Inject him with some enhancement stuff, make him go giant monster, and then-? Eh, seemed he decided to leave the building at least. Wait....oh hell Crane was out there still too. But that was not something they had the luxury to think about for the moment. [quote=Torch]Torch chuckled madly. "Now, where were we? Oh, right. Killing you all." The fireball that was flickering in his hand now grew even larger and hotter. "Go forth, Terrazards! Go forth, Menace! Kill these heroes! Just leave Cadaver to me."[/quote] Well, at least this particular asshole was someone she'd known about before. Hell, met even before the Bridge at some point or another. Already she'd been pushing her durability and some attempts at a more fire-retardant mucus being emitted across her exterior 'skin' and parts too while the guy had taken his sweet time to speak once she'd recognized the voice and seen the fireball in his hand. How could she forget this guy, though, even if his cousin Carl had been a bit more memorable than him to most of the gang. Couldn't forget him, totally, not at all, never in a million years...but as he chucked the intense fireball at her- [color=FF8C00]"You got to be f***ing kidding me. 'Lutz the Klutz', here, in front of me, in real flesh and bone? Was fraid' you'd gone the way of good ol' Carl back there on the bridge, though I didn't have time to check."[/color] Of course it'd be this dingus that someone would manage to manipulate. Backers? Financing? Logistics? Lutz wasn't some Napoleon, but he wasn't a nobody either. At the same time, he soundedd more unhinged than she could ever remember him being like for what it was worth. Not that the bridge hadn't had its own effects on her and the others too back then. Well, the incredibly few others who'd managed to scrape by alive at least. Guy knew how to fight well enough, though, so it was worth it to acknowledge that this fireball and any other fire was going to hurt like hell at least. Luna the monstrosity charged in against Pyro as he was throwing the fireball at her, though, her shuddering mass moving inhumanly fast toward the guy as it could and attempting to minimize the impact of the thrown fireball to her right side. The others would have to deal with the twins here and the Zards inside the place. Those outside would have to deal with the other crap. Sheer mass sought to crash into the freak of nature in the end, though, and do nothing short of cripple his ability to fight thouroughly but without killing him or ending his life whenever she finally got her tendrils and so forth on him. Even if it took a few tries or whatever in this fight, as it wasn't her first rodeo metaphorically speaking. Because even if it took some trying, oh boy she [u][i][b]was[/b][/i][/u] going to get her hands on him [u][i][b]one way or another[/b][/i][/u]. Ah, but now she was roaring in her assault in another literal cacophony of inhuman sounds and disturbing voices again at least. Was glad the creepy Fallout kid wasn't there to hear it and see her again, though, even if he was supposed to be some kind of ally and all. Kid was....yeah.