"Oh, yes, you're almost free to leave," Merilia said jovially, alighting on the ground at last, head tilted up to potentially meet any of the assembled knights' gaze. "You showed strength enough to overcome a more co-ordinated enemy; proved capable enough of standing against most war mages; and were brave enough to charge into a hopeless battle. Good job~" She ticked each of her fingers in return, ending with a celebratory burst of sparkles. "Now…" Once again the heavens changed, the witch now backlit by a silvery moon low in the sky. "With the moon as my witness, I need you all to agree to a little geas." A design of vibrant aqua light spread out from her feet, Thrinax looking on with a tilted head as it made to exclude him. But not the fairy. "Just avoid mentioning most of who taught you. Oh, you can mention that I was responsible, and the challenges set… but not the knights or Ericht. The summoner and the alchemist are fine~ "As for the duration… hmm, you'll know when you can speak of it, can't miss the sign." Merilia put one finger to her lips. "Now, I hope I don't have to ask again. Mayon wouldn't bear witness if this didn't matter~"