And what then? Is that what the Azure Skies asked, right after they won? What then? What do you do when the knights fall, and the world opens before you, and you can wreak your will across the worlds? Dyssia's eyes are liquid mercury, shimmering, shifting pools spotted with pink and purple. Well, you solidify. You expand. You project power, create beauty. You engage in passion projects. You've fought long and hard and sacrificed so much for what you have. You've become a monster in its name, and now's the time to finally do that good you always promised yourself you would, now that you have power. And it's the only thing you see, is the prize you won. It's the center of your existence. And if someone threatens it, well, you fought for it before, you'll fight for it now. You won't let it die, not after so long dreaming of it. To stop… To, to, to, to not even hold what you have. To willingly be content, to allow it to slip into the waves. To look at the immortality of kings--of empire, of prestige, of accomplishment--and willingly… The words giving up feel wrong, don't they? That's the thoughts of the old way, the thoughts of the clock. That if you're not going forward, tick-a-tock, you're losing ground. You have to press onwards, keep going, get stronger, consume, grow, consume, grow-- So long as there is desire, the clock ticks. Today is not enough, only what is Next, what is More. Good intentions, one step at a time, until you devour your own children. To stop… To declare that this is enough, to accept oblivion, to be happy with what is, instead of what could be, if only you took that next step… To stop, even knowing all you have fought for will vanish into the ether and be forgotten? Her eyes gleam like silver spotlights in the dark To stop would be madness, wouldn't it?