Have just caught up on the first page, and I want to congratulate everyone on their incredible work so far! It has been a real treat to read, in every corner of the game. I love seeing all the little details and the thought and care that each and every one of you apply to your characters, from Hound's brilliant use of Peter's tech savvy mind to the way MMG can lean on Hal's aviation experience. Great stuff all around, I'm excited to read the next page. As well, I've worked on some post summaries for the first page in case anyone needs a refresher now or in the future. I imagine these might be added to the OP at some point, but here they are for convenience. [hider= Ultimate One Universe Emergence Page One Summaries] [b]Superman #1[/b]: In which Clark Kent extolls the virtues of his morning commute and gleans some details from passersby about the mysterious hacker known as the ‘Toyman’. After a heated all-hands meeting with Perry White, Clark joins fellow press Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen in the field to investigate an explosion at a Luthorcorp facility. [b]Thor #1[/b]: In which a Mister Keith Kincaid struggles to service a communications array in the bitter Alaskan cold, seeming to lose his friend Wilford along the way, all while a mysterious voice croons from the radio. Meanwhile, Thor himself grapples with the cold and his exile, only to see his faithful hammer Mjolnir crash beside him -- and that he is no longer worthy to wield it. [b]The Punisher #1[/b]: In which Frank Castle has a polite little interrogation with one Nicky Francesco. Francesco spills the beans on a club called The Stardust Lounge where Frank can find one of his targets, a capo called Billy ‘The Beaut’ Russo. Francesco adds to Frank’s body count. [b]Fantastic Four #1[/b]: In which hotshot Johnny Storm gets (rightfully) chewed out by his sister Sue. We get filled in on the Fantastic family’s particular and peculiar circumstances and hear about Johnny’s fiery night on the town that ends with him stark nude. [b]The Flash #1[/b]: In which Barry gives Iris her brand new supersuit. Flirting is attempted by both, and understood by neither. Finally, Iris races off on her first adventure as The Flash! [b]The Question #-1[/b]: In which The Question tries to use his position in the Hub City Gazette as a cudgel of justice against the new Mayor Fermin, and gets dumped and thrown out of his job on his ass for his trouble. He manages to find a new gig to keep his head above water, but time for Vic Sage is running out. Every violent night as The Question brings him closer to his goal, and closer to his own funeral. A fateful encounter with the martial assassin Lady Shiva finally brings him to his watery grave, but the butterfly’s wings still beat. [hider= Question Backlog, Issues 0 - 3] [b]The Question #0[/b]: In which Vic remembers his first time watching a man die, and struggles in the darkness to grapple with the death of his own ego. Half dead and fished out from the deep by Lady Shiva and Tot Rodor, Vic is placed into the care of the legendary martial artist Richard Dragon. After a year of training, Vic reforms himself into a new man, one ready to ask all the right Questions. [b]The Question #1[/b]: In which Vic begins his journey to Hub City, and takes his first stop at the home of a kindly, queer old man. Charmed and heartened by stories of the man’s late husband, another Victor, Vic reflects on all the people he’s left behind, from Tot to his new boss, and most especially his ex-girlfriend Myra Fermin. [b]The Question #2[/b]: In which skinhead agitators try to get the better of the old man, only to have their faces rearranged by a faceless man. Q steals their truck and hightails it for Hub City. [b]The Question #3[/b]: In which Q listens to the greatest hits of the skinhead’s music collection and ruminates on the enormity of the task before him, saving Hub City’s soul. Steeling himself, he takes off for Tot’s to begin his campaign. [/hider] [b]Mister Terrific #1[/b]: In which Michael Holt has his first night out with his upgraded equipment. Mister Terrific is now fully online with nanogel and T-spheres operating in unison to great effect, complete with flight and combat modes. But Michael still isn’t perfect, and catches a thrown handgun to the back of the head for his trouble. He limps home and gets a state of the art compression wrap for his wounds. The power of science is amazing! [b]The Lanterns #1[/b]: Do Green Lanterns dream of electric cheeks? Hal Jordan does, and he scarcely manages to survive a high flying fighter jet test run and a near collision with a UFO. He finds himself chosen as the next bearer of the Green Lantern ring, and the new fate-chosen best friend of an angry looking red guy. [b]The Flash #2[/b]: The Flash streaks onto the scene of a bank robbery and foils four gunmen as flawlessly as a new superhero can, a handful of whizzing bullets notwithstanding. But now, Flash finds herself in the dill-icious court of the one and aioli Condiment King! [b]Iron Man #1[/b]: In which Tony Stark bursts onto the scene of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in style as Iron Man. He denounces the mutant menace and announces a series of wargames to trial the latest and greatest prototypes of the War Machine project. It’s to be conducted by a sterling cast of test pilots, including Rhodey Rhodes, Carol Danvers, and the one and only Major Major Jordan. [b]Wolverine #1[/b]: In which a group of professional killers think they can get the drop on the Wolverine, their first mistake. Their second is that they want him [i]alive[/i], a courtesy Logan won’t extend to them. They’re dead well before Logan can learn that the next man gunning for his head is Colonel Flag, leader of Task Force X. But Logan [i]does[/i] manage to figure out that the men were actually targeting the resident of a mysterious lighted cabin, just up the hill… [b]Hawksmoor #1[/b]: In which Jack Hawksmoor is in tune with the trills and timings of Tokyo, and comes upon gunmen engaging local police. The city yearns for their defeat, and as he tries to satisfy it, a katana wielding woman cuts one of the gunmen’s hands off. Named for her blade, the woman has the mark of a snake that brings back bad memories for Jack. Before he can ask her about it, a man named Sarge Steel comes bearing an offer. [b]Spider-Man #1[/b]: In which Peter Parker introduces us to the infinite array of spinning plates that is his life, from school to a mountain of extracurriculars and a pending internship with the brilliant Curt Conners. Mostly, Peter grapples with the bills that threaten to bring it all crumbling down, a total that’s just gotten a little higher thanks to a botched attempt at foiling a bodega robbery. It’s like old Bobby DeNiro says: always pay. [b]The Punisher #2[/b]: In which Frank Castle meets with his best friend David Lieberman and downloads details on Billy The Beaut from the NYPD database. Billy was a real cut up, and liked to prove it by carving puzzle pieces out of his victim’s faces. Frank leaves Liberman’s place to have a shootout in the Stardust Lounge. As good as Frank is with his handguns, Russo can more than keep up. Before long they’ve shot the weapons out of each other's hands and grappled across the floor of the bar. Frank gets the upper hand and destroys Russo’s prized face on one of the Lounge’s blackened windows. [b]The Lanterns #2[/b]: In which Hal introduces us to the target of his one sided hate boner, American Hero Major Major Jordan. Hal is released from SHIELD quarantine and his new pal Sinestro explains the intergalactic shitstorm that will erupt if space warlord Ronan The Executioner is allowed to get his hands on all seven Lantern Rings. Together, they set out for SHIELD HQ in the big apple. [b]Iron Man #2[/b]: In which Bolivar Trask takes AUSA’s stage to announce the Sentinel Program, a next generation solution to the mutant problem, and gives Tony inventor’s envy. On his way out of the venue, Tony picks up a smoking hot slavic reporter by the name of Ali Anovna. [b]Thor #2[/b]: In which the Thunderer mourns the loss of his Godhood. Voices and shadowed figures assail his mind from the frozen woods, and soon he’s attacked by a powerful beast with claws sharp enough to rend a god’s flesh. Before it can devour Thor, Keith Kincaid blasts it with his shotgun and finds, to his horror, the monster bears Wilford’s face. Before his old friend can claw Keith apart, Thor returns his favor and heaves the monster through the trunk of a mighty tree, and slays it with his bare hands. [b]The Question #4[/b]: In which Vic reunites with Tot, and his old friend gets Vic up to speed on Mayor Fermin’s activities in the Hub and sets him up with his old coat and pseudoderm for his mask, plus a new grappling gun. One of Vic’s old contacts gives him a lead on a heroin operation run by a gang known as the Gospel of Sinners, led by a mysterious Reverend. Knocking a few heads together and asking a few wise Questions gets Vic the name and address of one of the Rev’s top enforcers. [b]Wolverine #2[/b]: In which Logan approaches the cabin and steps inside to face its occupant, only to find it empty… Until a shadow leaps [i]through[/i] a wall and he pounces at it. But the shadow wasn’t another killer, but an ordinary teenage girl. As ordinary as mutant like Logan can be, anyway. After a brief knife to knife-hand stand off, the pair have a heart to heart… and against his better judgment, Logan finds himself agreeing to take the girl, Kitty Pryde, cross country to New York City. [/hider] Also, I'm workin' on the [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hQLKdVpvJcVopU5Z8GnjIAden0v5imUZnM4C1vzVcAc/edit?gid=0#gid=0]character database[/url] I've heard some of you asking for. Let me know if I've gotten any of this stuff wrong, from the summaries to the character entries and I'd be happy to change it for you. Also, I'd love to hear from you if you want me to change the "clear for reuse" section on whether you'd like others to be able to reuse some of these characters in some capacity. And do note that so far the database is based on my progress in the IC, so I haven't filled in all characters mentioned in sheets and further along in the thread. Thanks for a great page one, team. And, holy cannoli, we're already at page three! Here's to many more.