[color=bc8dbf][h2][centre][b]Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska[/b][/centre][/h2][/color] [h3][centre][b][color=bc8dbf]Main Island BNB[/color][/b][/centre][/h3] Kat had been walking for a while longer than she should and began to realise she took a wrong turn somewhere. She did think about turning back but the Island was so that she was bound to recognise a landmark, the main Island was big but not that big one could get hopelessly lost on the “main town” area at least. In London,, she would have turned back but this was Azul and curiosity got a little better of her sense and caution. Her mind had drifted on her walk as it often did much to her discomfort on Azul, she had been walking down a far cooler beach in Scotland with a bench overlooking the North Sea when her 2 year relationship ended as her plans and theirs did not match up, she could not settle down and it caused a make or break…kat chose to join Olympus and with future prospects of heading out far afield. That caused one last kiss and one last look before they took separate paths back both physically and choice. Did she regret it? She had made that choice and stuck with it since she was 22, 7 years later she was now 29, a doctorate to her name, known in her own circles. What would her life have been if she made the other choice? Shaking her head as she saw all things. Two paths, two routes and a choice. of all the places and things this was just the fates being cruel. [color=bc8dbf]“kurwa”[/color] she cursed as she hobbled slightly to a larger rock, the nibbling probbly of a smaller one that hurt her foot while not looking properly. Running though several curses in Ukrainian, Spanish and German she checked that there was no blood or so, just pain. Drifting again she remembered working on a more humorous moment when she did pass her seamanship courses and Kat was fully qualified to pilot the boat at Marina in day and night. However that lesson she had executed every manoeuvre perfectly…but for getting Port and Starboard wrong so she did every move in reverse effectively. Fate was kinder to her it seemed as she saw a sign for a B&B with cafe, a smaller slot saying open late. That was curious and she hopped up, felt her foot then stood more cautiously and followed the sign that led to a pretty typical older traditional island building, white painted timber overlooking the sea with soft sands and local vegetation sprouting up around it in a controlled but not strangled wildness. She would have to draw this place another day and snap a photo to remind her. Places like this made her feelings of being forced to take on the job so far from the action entirely moot, this was like a painting more than a place. Deciding to see as she had come this far and it did not give her any red flags, her gut was calm and seemed to not throw any warnings at her. She trusted that so headed up the weather beaten old stairs that met the sand, maintained but with a little creek as she climbed. pushing a wood and glass door open into a small what might be a … cafe? Maybe, it was pretty homely and hoped she chose the correct door but this seemed only one. [color=a187be]“Hola estas abierta”[/color] Kat asked, [color=bc8dbf]“Hello, are you open?”[/color] in Spanish, not her best Language but passable and English. The Spanish was improving slowly with regular use though even though she spoke more traditional vs the local dialect. Her accent made Spanish with her accent that remained still fairly Polish with a small slice of western Ukrainian a intresting combination. Kat waited and found herself a seat near what was looking to be a coffee machine and a counter to rest her foot. It was not hurting, just sore and hoped she did not have to walk the way she came straight away. [color=bc8dbf]“Mi español todavía está un poco oxidado”[/color] She said apologising as her Spanish was still a little rusty and this was the most use it had in years since her move to Azul. The taller woman sighed contently as she rested her foot and waited. One thing she had learned, everyone just worked at their own pace here and a worker might have heard her and choose to spend 5 minutes reading or finishing a cigarette before coming out. Mention [@Sadie]