[h1][u]Ciara Ventura[/u][/h1] [i][color=gray]Iris Record, Arena[/color][/i] [@Nanaya] [hr] Ciara's eyes fluttered, struggling to swallow, half choking on the potion offered to her. Sounds started to filter in. Her vision was hazy, but she made out the features of Michael, hovering over her. [quote=Michael]"...Even bother to learn those spells earlier if you were just gonna try to kill the kid anyway?! And, even once she recovers…”[/quote] Ciara blinked, not quite comprehending. Her whole body felt strange. Like she was being flushed with cold water, then fire, over and over again. Like bad heat flashes. Her eyes flickered over to two figures beside her. Iraleth, collapsed, the Head Advisor over her, illuminated with healing magic. She noticed the Head Advisor had, glancing at her every now and again. Fear. Same as the mistresses of the orphanages. Ciara winced, eyes shifting back up to Michael. She remembered the sweet taste of her light, devouring it wholeheartedly, wholly prepared to go the full distance, to devour every last drop. Ciara's face crumpled in shame. [b]“What have I done…?”[/b] Her gaze shifted up to Michael. [b]“I… I didn't mean…”[/b] She took in a shaky suck of air, the tension in her body too much for her to handle, causing the edges of her vision to black out. It felt like she had dead weight strapped to every inch of her body, the healing potion desperately restoring what the purification had burned away. Another few gasps of air, before Ciara weakly asked. [b]“What's going to happen with me…?”[/b] It was them she noticed her Adapa pinging. Ciara shut her eyes, the burden of her fight weighing wholly on her. A few breaths, before her eyes opened, and she summoned her Adapa, reading the email through slitted eyes. The Adapa fizzled out, and Ciara's head leaned against Michael's support. She mumbled curses under her breath, before her eyes cracked open, and she looked at Michael desperately. [b]“Davil is here. In the Record. I have to-”[/b] As she spoke, she slowly pushed herself off the ground, wincing with effort as black spots appeared in her vision once more. As she reached a sitting position, she huffed a moment. Her eyes descended on the stairwell beyond the arena, where she caught the tail end of Valen ascending up. Growling under the effort, she forced herself to raise a little further, before she abruptly disappeared in the shadow of Otis’ sword. She appeared at the stairwell, taking a step before collapsing against the wall, leaning on it and the sword for support, before she took another step up, and teleported to the top of the stairs. [i]Duel be damned, where is Davil?[/i]