[COLOR=GRAY][CENTER][COLOR=dimgray] [sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/dzNDhVD.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0uf4YrV.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iF1n9D7.gif[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=silver][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Undisclosed[/I] - [I]Classified Information[/I]][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=silver][b]Shoot to Thrill #1.07:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Hot Rod Red[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=silver][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=silver][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Peaches[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT][color=#ffffff]“Gentlemen set phasers to stun,”[/color] Hammer smiled, chuckling at his joke while Rhodes and Jordan exchanged unamused looks. Straightening his tie, Hammer cleared his throat, his cheeks changing to a shade of scarlet that made his tie look washed out. [color=#ffffff]“Ahem, more properly this is the Stark Threat Utility Neutralizer, or the ‘S.T.U.N.’, a de-escalation tool designed to numb and nullify enemies in a non-lethal manner. It directly attacks the target, primarily to immobilize them, but more specifically designed to immobilize the mutant gene to render their powers null and void.”[/color] [color=#b4a7d6]“Is such a weapon legal?”[/color] Karoline Farris piped up as Hammer fidgeted his foot uncomfortably. [color=#ffffff]“It’s uh, a gray area. Technically under current laws, mutants aren’t considered a minority nor a protected class, so they’re not protected from prejudice of any kind.”[/color] Hammer replied, [color=#ffffff]“There’s also no way to prove the weapon is specifically designed for use on powered individuals. Our research and development team was very thorough in their keyword use on the patent.”[/color] [color=#3d85c6]“With all due respect,”[/color] Danvers interjected, [color=#3d85c6]“I have no intention of breaking any laws or marginalizing a class of people who can’t help the way they were born. If you want these weapons tested, I’ll only do so with the express purpose of them being used against threats to the safety of the American people, not to subjugate an entire race.”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“My apologies, Captain I didn’t mean to imply-”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Hammer, did you Hammer up the introductions again?”[/color] The snide comment echoed across the tarmac as Tony Stark approached the group, [color=#e06666]“Why’s everyone looking so hot to trot? Hammer, did you get antsy while I was gone, don’t worry, Daddy’s home?”[/color] Stark smiled at the group, before leaning over and whispering in Hammer’s ear. [color=#e06666]“And Papa’ll spank you later for your insolence.”[/color] Spinning around on his heels, Tony took the weaponized gauntlet from Hammer before sliding his arm into it and giving it a couple of swings. [color=#e06666]“The S.T.U.N. is incorporated into the gauntlet as a retractable beam weapon. You’ll find it on the rotating cuff. The palm contains the repulsor which is calibrated both for offensive capabilities and flight stabilization. A white glow is utility mode,”[/color] Tony demonstrated, pointing the gauntlet towards the ground before launching himself slightly to the side with a controlled burst. [color=#e06666]“Orange is offensive,”[/color] He sneered, suddenly turning the weapon on Hammer who instantly froze. The collected pilots tensed up at the display. Almost every one of them was military and they knew better than to point a weapon at someone you didn’t intend to shoot. [color=#e06666]“I’m just having fun,”[/color] Stark said, breaking the tense silence as Rhodes took a step toward his old friend. The palm of the gauntlet resumed its pale white glow as Tony removed his hand. [color=#e06666]“The forearm contains another weapon slot, might I suggest a Stark Mutli-Phase Missle, but we’ll let you customize your payloads another day. For the time being, flight is the name of the game.”[/color] Tony rubbed his hands together eagerly. [color=#e06666]“Alright, callsigns, ladies and gents.”[/color] [color=#b6d7a8]“Highball,”[/color] Jordan replied as Tony rolled his eyes. [color=#e06666]“Right, the alcoholic,”[/color] Tony turned and pointed to Karoline,[color=#e06666] “What about you city girl?”[/color] [color=#b6d7a8]“Star Sapph-”[/color] Major Major attempted to interject before catching a quick elbow to the ribs. [color=#b4a7d6]“Spitfire,”[/color] Karoline stated flatly, casting a side-eye toward Jordan. [color=#e06666]“Yeah you are,” [/color]Tony replied before pointing to Danvers. [color=#e06666]“Your turn, space cadet,”[/color] [color=#3d85c6]“Flamebird.”[/color] She replied as Tony looked between the two women. [color=#e06666]“Did you two coordinate that?”[/color] He accused mockingly, [color=#e06666]“Hopefully the fire theme doesn’t extend to any other burning, Highball any comment?”[/color] [color=#b6d7a8]“No comment,”[/color] [color=#e06666]“How about you, my patriotic friend?”[/color] Tony asked turning to Rhodes, [color=#e06666]“The pilot and the mechanic working together again, you must have a great callsign, why don’t we just call you Patriot?”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“Tony, you know damn well my callsign is Shellshock.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“I’m just saying it’s a rebranding opportunity,” [/color]Tony smirked, [color=#b6d7a8]“That’s what I said!”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Joint venture, you and me, the Iron Man and the Iron Patriot,”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“I’d sooner be called War Machine.” [/color]Rhodes deadpanned. [color=#e06666]“Careful what you wish for, buddy,”[/color] Tony replied, slapping James on the back, [color=#e06666]“When you win this thing, sorry ladies, you might just be.”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“Tony, I-”[/color] [color=#e06666]“No arguments!”[/color] Tony shouted, turning on Hammer, [color=#e06666]“Why aren’t they in their suits?”[/color] [color=#ffffff]“Jordan made some modifications and I needed to-”[/color] [color=#e06666]“You Hammered it up again, didn't you?”[/color] Tony replied dismissively, [color=#e06666]“No matter, Daddy is here now, so let's make this right.”[/color] He whistled as the four prototype Personal Aviation Suits were brought forward. [color=#e06666]“Really Jordan? This gaudy green?”[/color] [color=#b6d7a8]“Better than hot rod red.” [/color]Jordan shot back, smacking his gum as Tony raised an eyebrow. [color=#e06666]“You’re entitled to being wrong,”[/color] Tony shot back,[color=#e06666] “Alright Shellshock, you’re in the blue and white, Flamebird, you’ve got red and blue. Spitfire, purple and gold and I guess Jordan you’ve got green and gold.”[/color] [color=#b6d7a8]“Sweet, we’re going to look like Power Rangers.”[/color] [color=#e06666]“Jordan can you just,”[/color] Tony waggled a finger at the slightly younger man, [color=#e06666]“Can you just be cool for once.”[/color] [color=#b4a7d6]“I assure you,”[/color] Karoline smirked. [color=#b4a7d6]“He can’t.”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]