[quote=@wanderingwolf] In the name of keeping a pace, [@rush99999] you're up first. Introduce yourself and your character to the group, and if you have any kinds of content you so not want to see, or content you so want to see in the game, please mention that as well! [/quote] Alrighty then. As you can see from the left hand side of the screen, I am rush99999. I shall be playing as Jenk, a goblin rogue who was raised in a cult dedicated to the worship of angry mobs. Jenk was recently shipped off to the Magaambya after he manifested a talent for magic thanks to his aiuvarin heritage. In regards to things I don't want to see, the only two things I can think of are puzzles and sadistic choices. As for what I do want to see, I'd very much like it if Jenk could get a chance to rile up an angry mob and send it after one of the villains.