[CENTER][sub][h1][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hQLKdVpvJcVopU5Z8GnjIAden0v5imUZnM4C1vzVcAc/edit?usp=sharing][img]https://i.imgur.com/LBciZAk.png[/img][/url][color=yellow][b][/b][/color][/h1][/sub][/CENTER][indent][sub][SUP][h3][b][Color=#174b80] P O S T S U M M A R I E S:[/COLOR][/b] [b][color=#248ffd]P O S T S U M M A R I E S[/color][color=#248ffd]:[/color][/b][/h3][/SUP][/sub][/indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0dMAnZM.png[/img][/center][hider=Page One Summaries][COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]S U P E R M A N[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5543591][color=187ce2]ISSUE #01[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which [b]CLARK KENT[/b] extolls the virtues of his morning commute and gleans some details from passersby about the mysterious hacker known as the ‘[b]TOYMAN[/b]’. After a heated all-hands meeting with [b]PERRY WHITE[/b], Clark joins fellow press [b]LOIS LANE[/b] and [b]JIMMY OLSEN[/b] in the field to investigate an explosion at a Luthorcorp facility.[/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]T H O R[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5543594][color=187ce2]ISSUE #01[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which a mister [b]KEITH KINCAID[/b] struggles to service a communications array in the bitter Alaskan cold, seeming to lose his friend Wilford along the way, all while a mysterious voice croons from the radio. Meanwhile, [b]THOR[/b] himself grapples with the cold and his exile, only to see his faithful hammer Mjolnir crash beside him -- and that he is no longer worthy to wield it.[/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]T H E P U N I S H E R[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5543597][color=187ce2]ISSUE #01[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which [b]FRANK CASTLE[/b] has a polite little interrogation with one Nicky Francesco. Francesco spills the beans on a club called The Stardust Lounge where Frank can find one of his targets, a capo called [b]BILLY ‘THE BEAUT’ RUSSO[/b]. Francesco adds to Frank’s body count.[/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]F A N T A S T I C F O U R[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5543699][color=187ce2]ISSUE #01[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which hotshot [b]JOHNNY STORM[/b] gets (rightfully) chewed out by his sister [b]SUSAN STORM[/b]. We get filled in on the Fantastic family’s particular and peculiar circumstances and hear about Johnny’s fiery night on the town that ends with him stark nude.[/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]T H E F L A S H[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5543743][color=187ce2]ISSUE #01[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which [b]BARRY ALLEN[/b] gives [b]IRIS WEST[/b] her brand new supersuit. Flirting is attempted by both, and understood by neither. Finally, Iris races off on her first adventure as The Flash![/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]T H E Q U E S T I O N[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5543812][color=187ce2]ISSUE #-01[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which [b]THE QUESTION[/b] tries to use his position in the Hub City Gazette as a cudgel of justice against the new Mayor Fermin, and gets dumped and thrown out of his job on his ass for his trouble. He manages to find a new gig to keep his head above water, but time for [b]VIC SAGE[/b] is running out. Every violent night as The Question brings him closer to his goal, and closer to his own funeral. A fateful encounter with the martial assassin [b]LADY SHIVA[/b] finally brings him to his watery grave, but the butterfly’s wings still beat.[/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [hider= Question Backlog] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]T H E Q U E S T I O N[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5359012][color=187ce2]ISSUE #00[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which [b]VIC SAGE[/b] remembers his first time watching a man die, and struggles in the darkness to grapple with the death of his own ego. Half dead and fished out from the deep by [b]LADY SHIVA[/b] and [b]TOT RODOR[/b], Vic is placed into the care of the legendary martial artist [b]RICHARD DRAGON[/b]. After a year of training, Vic reforms himself into a new man, one ready to ask all the right Questions.[/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]C H A R A C T E R N A M E[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5359112][color=187ce2]ISSUE #01[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which Vic begins his journey to Hub City, and takes his first stop at the home of a kindly, queer old man. Charmed and heartened by stories of the man’s late husband, another Victor, Vic reflects on all the people he’s left behind, from Tot to his new boss, and most especially his ex-girlfriend Myra Fermin. [/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=summary template] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT][b][sub]C H A R A C T E R N A M E[/sub][/b][b][sub][sup][h1][url=INSERT_POST_HERE][color=187ce2]ISSUE #01[/color][/url] [/h1][/sup][/sub][/b] [quote]In which [b]Your Name Here[/b][/quote][/INDENT][/COLOR] [/hider]