[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “Hot Springs”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Early Morning[/b][/color] [/centre] Sya felt a little selfish suggesting the Temple but it was close, easy to find, warm and also was a place they would have some protection from snow etc. She just wanted to soak her feet again and relax. The last day even, just a day had reminded her that she could enjoy her life and make the most of it, so she would and one of those would be taking a little time for herself to enjoy these wonderful hot springs. Her plan was to soak and maybe swim a little in the deeper public area to ease her tense muscles, her back and feet especially when feeling the benefits of the hot waters. She needed to look after herself, she was not even sure to be honest looking at her pale skin, running a hand past her bun to her now pointed ears what she was now. Sya just wanted to be happy, was that too much to ask, though waking up next to someone was a thing she hoped would stay. Crazy, they had met a day ago and shared a bed but hey, she was not normal by any means. Broke out her thoughts Sya turned and took the names to faces to memory, her big eye lingered on them for a second as she placed them in her mind. “If you ever need me, I am mostly found at the Eye of Beholder, hot springs, or the market mostly.” Sya said generously and right then and there decided the hot springs would be a place she visited more often. Sya nodded at her name. [color=c4df9b]“Da, Temple It is, easy on the steps. Be most way once we on flat”[/color] She said and wondered how, probably her waist as she was much taller than the just a nudge over 5 foot woman Sya was. Her height and build were somewhat less than others. [color=c4df9b]“We can manage, enjoy the springs while you can, town will go mad at 10am, that's what I plan to do, look after myself. We forget we need it.”[/color] Sya did not know the Princess, only met her in passing as she tends to stick to their lodge but she could feel for her stress, Sya managed the eye, Octavia managed a whole town resting on her and her husband, all would be on them if they failed. The Blighrborn tried to be kind to Octavia and mirrored that she dropped her title and so, approaching it more neutrally and without their stations as much. Sya was trying anyway, she looked in Syas eye and it's detail that she needed some time away from everything and just to sit and enjoy the warmth. Just a feeling she got from Octavia. For all the …everything. Sya was trying to genuinely just be kind. Olivia had reminded Sya most intimately she was still very much human. [color=c4df9b]“let's get you to the Temple Celine, Anathema… Ana, you take it right. I'm on the left.”[/color] Sya struggled to make the name at first so dropped it down to Ana with an apologetic look. Hopefully she agreed and Sya could help this blightborn, the blightborn with one eye could spend her time soaking In hot waters. [@The Savant][@SkeankySnack][@Lu]