[@Joshua Tamashii] [@Remram] As commanded, Yamask held out the little golden mask as a shield. It worked, Riolu slamming into it and grunting, but as the fighting-type was substantially stronger it did force Yamask back and she still took damage… but the defense had worked. Also, Steadfast was replaced with Mummy. And with that, Amelia gave her second command. [color=e04f4f]‘Wait, that-’[/color] Anise started with a small objection, but Yamask sent its wave of energy and Quick Attack was disabled. Riolu stood staring, looking kind of helpless all of a sudden. Anise grunted. [color=e04f4f]‘Okay, perhaps I shouldn’t have said the “only attacking move” part,’[/color] she reflected, Riolu giving a rather defeated little cry. [color=e04f4f]‘But I won’t switch you out. This is training, not a battle for winning and losing. Riolu…’[/color] she took a deep breath, and then pointed forward. [color=e04f4f]‘Prove your determination! Charge your foe, avoid the mask, and strike! It doesn’t matter that you don’t know any moves! Just follow your instincts and hit it!’[/color] [color=6da3b8]‘Riiii!’[/color] Riolu called out to his trainer’s determination and jumped forward, intending on simply trying to hit his foe with little punches. Now, despite what Anise said, not using any moves for this does most assuredly matter, as the power will be substantially lower. What does Amelia do?