[center][img]https://cdn-ssl.s7.shopdisney.com/is/image/ShopDisney/mb_captain-america_20220926_2x?fit=constrain&cropN=0,0,1,1&fmt=jpeg&qlt=90&wid=1200[/img][/center] [b][right]FORMER SOVIET PRISON // UNKNOWN LOCATION[/RIGHT][/B] [b]1030HRS[/b] was yard time. Or rather, what used to be yard time. Steve hadn't been allowed in the yard since the summer of '85. As such at 1030HRS while everyone else went outside to enjoy the weather, Steve had the choice of retreating into the library or the gym. He and Alexei liked to alternate their days, technically speaking Alexei hadn't been banned from the yard. At this point, the guards couldn't be bothered to separate the two ageing super-soldiers. Walking into the empty gym Steve nodded at one of the guards, speaking in his broken attempt at Russian. [color=steelblue][/color] The two guards looked at each other with a confused look on their faces, Alexei shrugged as Steve ran the words through his head again. [i]Добрый день, Сержи. Как грибы?[/i] No, that wasn't right. He held up a finger to indicate to give him a second while he worked it out. [color=steelblue][/color] [i]How is your French[/i] was a code the two of them had developed for when they wanted to talk without anyone else knowing what they were saying. Yes, they ran the risk of anything they said being translated however for the very rare occasions where Steve and Alexei spoke in French to keep secrets, they spoke in French [I]twice[/i] as often to discuss mundane things like the weather and the food. [color=steelblue][/color] [color=indianred][/color] Steve nodded as he lay back down for another set. [color=steelblue][/color] Alexei nodded. [color=indianred][/color] Steve nodded. [color=indianred][/color] Steve could feel the heat rising as his body started to work, he could easily handle more weight. The issue was the bar didn't have the space for much more. [color=steelblue][/color] [color=indianred][/color] [color=indianred][/color] Steve merely shrugged. [color=steelblue][/color] [color=indianred][/color] A boyish grin crossed the old soldier's face. [color=steelblue][/color] [color=indianred][/color] Steve laughed and then shrugged his shoulders. [color=steelblue][/color] [color=indianred][/color] He nodded at the correction. [color=steelblue][/color] He leaned in closer to Alexei. [color=steelblue][/color] They both looked up as they heard a commotion at the door. The guards saluted as a man in a red outfit walked in. White belt around his waist, a white star in his chest and his cowl had three white stripes atop it. In his left hand was a red shield. Very little while in prison angered Steve as much as seeing [i]his[/i] shield repainted, and carried around by his captors. Steve stood up, standing as tall as he possibly could. Alexei stayed seated, his back to his younger replacement. [color=Crimson]"Greetings comrades! I am Nikolai Krylenko, the Red Guardian."[/color] [color=indianred]"For now...[/color] Both Steve and Nikolai snapped too the old man sat atop his bench. [color=crimson]"Excuse me?"[/color] Alexei stood up and turned to the young Red Guardian. [color=indianred]"How long did they give you?"[/color] [color=crimson]"I do not understand what you mean-"[/color] [color=steelblue]"Don't pay any attention to-"[/color] [color=indianred]"How long did they tell you the serum would last for?"[/color] He indicated to himself, and his frail old bones. [color=indianred]"I am not so old as you think."[/color] Without another word, the former Red Guardian barged his way passed. When the guards attempted to step in his way to prevent his escape, Nikolai just waved them off. Trying to appear unphased, and unrattled by Alexeis comment. If the moment hadn't been so serious, Steve may have smiled. The old dog was cunning he had to give him that, getting in Nikolais head. Filling him with doubts over the serum. Nikolai was well into his eighties now, and while frailty was starting to catch up with him he could probably still take out any single one of the guards here without breaking much of a sweat. Steve cleared his throat and offered the costumed soldier his hand. [color=steelblue]"Steve Rogers-"[/color] They shook hands, Steve not reacting as Nikolai attempted squeezing his hand as tight as possible. [color=steelblue]"-shall we get started?"[/color]