[center][sub][Colour=CadetBlue][h3]甚 悟 郎 半 間[/h3] [h2]J I N G O R Ō H A N M A[/h2][/Colour][/sub][/center] [hr] Jin narrowed his focus. With one smooth motion he leant forwards, pulled his scabbard back and drew his sword in an upwards arc. His Zanpakutō sliced cleanly through the length of the centipede hollow, not needing to impart any force of his own thanks to the heft Rio had punched it with. The cloven body dissipating as it was ran through. Six, ten, twelve. Jin quickly counted the hollow that had been lured towards them, crawling out from the ground, perched atop shipping containers. It was quite the gathering. Jin gave a slight nod towards Rio, acknowledging his words and sentiment that they were here to protect the humans above all else. And as the squad eleven member charged forwards into the fray, so did Jin. Lunging at the trio closest, flashes of moonlight catching his blade, Jin began to cut through their number. The first couple were easy, raised fists and whipped tails left them open for his quick, surgical swipes. But the more he struck the more open he became too. A burly forearm smashed into his side throwing him a few meters before he caught his momentum and spun to land foot first onto a containers corrugated side. With bent knee he exploded off the metal wall, denting it and flying back at the hollow that had struck him. Another well placed cut beheaded the beast at speed, sending it's head twirling into the moonbeams before falling to dust. Alerted by their voices Jin caught sight of a hollow, spider-like in nature, dangled above the workmen that had started to walk through the fighting. With another blur of speed Jin disappeared and reappeared at it's back, sword held out wide ready to swing across it's back. But it's many eyes left it vigilant. One of it's eight spindly legs warped backwards and flicked the graduate Shinigami from the air, sending him hurtling into another container. A second hollow bolted towards him, ready to take advantage of his moments lapse and with a thudding punch to Jin's jaw he was yet again thrown across the dockside, skidding on the concrete floor and almost off the dock itself. He grunted, pushing himself back up as he moved his jaw around. He looked up at the two hollow now looming over his body, blocking out the moon in a sinister silhouetted shadow. Another of the spiders legs kicked out at his midriff, throwing Jin into the cold dark water of the docks. The empty silence was quickly filled by the cackling laughter the two hollow enjoyed. Giggling at their triumph and soon to be feast, turning their heads again towards the workmen that had so far been saved. Scuttling a few steps forward the two paused, a feeling in the air. "[Colour=CadetBlue]Kiyomeru. Higanbana.[/Colour]" Offering some illumination to the dark depths, the mint green light of Jingorō's reiatsu spread under water. In a thundering surge he catapulted out of the water, holding his released Zanpakutō. Swinging it across himself a splatter of its thirsting water blinded the two hollow for the split second he needed. Waving the slathering blade across once more, bifurcating the pair of them in a single violent action. The workmen were untouched, still laughing and going about their business, oblivious to the conflict around them. Jin looked up towards the seated Rio, his arms still ablaze in the ghostly red reiatsu. He had cleared the rest of them. Keeping his wits about him, Jin gave another nod of appreciation. Their part of the job was done at least. Glancing down Jin watched the water pool at his feet. After he was fully submersed Higanbana had already drank its fill. The blade giving off a high pitch chime as it salivated. He hadn't wanted to go to such lengths so soon, but with the humans in danger, and his power limiter making the fight difficult from the off he was pushed to it. "[Colour=CadetBlue]Where next? I'll follow your lead[/Colour]" he said to Rio, starting to take stock of the other spiritual pressures in the vicinity. Trying to determine how the other graduates were doing and if they were pressingly needed anywhere.