As a side note to all players: [@PatientBean][@meri][@rush99999][@Frog Dog][@Cao the Exiled] I was reading about the Pathfinder society (an official group by Paizo, the makers of Pathfinder) that they do Play by Post games officially on their message boards online. They're about to kick off a session and they mentioned timing specifically like this: [quote]The Storyteller will post once a day, and players have about 24 hours to respond.[/quote] I don't know how everyone's schedules align, and just from watching engagement in the interest checker and here in the OOC, it may be too quick for players, but how would you feel about adopting a same or similar approach to ensure the game doesn't drag on? Options: 1. Storyteller will post once a day. Players will have 24 hours to respond, or the story will move on without their character responding. 2. Storyteller will post at least once every 2 days. Players will have 48 hours to respond. 3. Storyteller will post at least once every 3 days. Players will have 72 hours to respond. We don't have to go with any of these, by the way. We can do this organically instead, but with some kind of guard rails like these, it might stop the story from grinding to a halt if one person doesn't check RPG.