[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240725/47e4c8517bf2321ad38e78679e6d72e6.png[/img][/center] So apparently he had been on the wrong site. Go figure. At the very least he had been found by another shinigami on janitor duty and told where to go, had he missed the group heading towards Hueco Mundo he doubted they would have returned for him. Luckily he had managed to arrive just as the tattoed guy opened the portal. Then things got weird. From what he remembered from the teachers at the Academy Hueco Mundo was exactly how they described it, arid and devoid of color, with the occasional Hollow running amok, his first instinct was to rush ahead and deliver a beating but he stopped himself, the words of the Captain ringing in his skull. So instead of doing the usual he marched until he encountered Kobe, at which point he decided to walk beside the other man, it was strange to be alongside the man instead of in the ring across each other but it wasn't a bad feeling. Instead he loosened his muscles and prepared to -was that the Ice Queen? Ah hell she was, of all the possible missions and he ended up in the same one as her. At least she seemed to be more focused on the mission than on him, he didn't know what the fuck was her problem with him but if he had learned anything during his time as a rat was to never back down when someone insulted you. Then eventually they stopped, the two older Shinigami said something or the other about the mission but he didn't bother listening to the details, it if the result was fighting either way then the choice didn't matter, in fact, they should just go each way and deal with them, he said as muc- [color=92278f][i]"fight for [b]something[/b]"[/i][/color] The words resonated in his head before he could say anything. In the end he let the others make the decision, and the group progressed at a relaxed speed, this is what stealth missions were like? He couldn't say he was a fan. Then hell broke loose. The attacks were almost too fast for him to follow, and there was a certainty inside himself that if he had been the victim of the first attack he wouldn't have reacted fast enough to block. Thankfully when the Hollow had decided to attack he was prepared, drawing his Zanpakuto he blocked the attack from the Spider Hollow, all his previous thoughts were discarded immediately, replaced with bloodlust and teeth grit into a smile. The struggle was almost evenly matched but he was stronger, he would win the exchange but it wouldn't be quick. [color=ed1c24]"Accumulate and explode, [b][i]Aka![/i][/b]"[/color] The words spilled from his lips with nary a thought, more muscle memory than some attempt at strategy, perhaps if his weapon changed in the radical ways some of his fellow's did then it would have disturbed the balance even more but as it was it would it barely anything. So he let go of his Zanpakuto. His Zanjutsu teacher would suffer a heart attack if he saw his actions during the mission but such thoughts were beyond him at this point, instead he dodged backward and watched as the sudden lack of resistance threw the Spider off, unbalancing it as it was committed to the attack. Using the opportunity he attacked with Hakuda, heavy punches damaging delicate joints. A distant part of his mind wondered what everyone else was doing. [hr] [hider=Current Charge] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/fhX00Jh.png[/Img] [/hider]