[@Tortoise] [@apheline] [@Dragonfly 9] [@Hawlin] [quote=apheline] This sounds so fun! I'd be interested in joining! Any ideas for what sorts of crew members these intrepid adventurers might needs on their journeys? [/quote] Not at all. That's all up to your (collective) creativity. In the end, it's all about creating a fun story together. So whether you are an escaped convict running from the law, or a wide-eyed incognito princess wanting to get in on the action: lightheartedness, drama, all are welcome, as long as it fits the theme/premise/setting in a plausible way, and [b]you are excited to play[/b]. In fact, I'm thinking of opening it up so many players and characters can jump in and out of the story as needed or wanted, think like the Canterbury tales. The only thing I want to limit is magic: in this setting, I imagine magic/aether to be very much wild and a force of nature, about as developed as electricity was in the late 1800s, so you may play a ('realistically' limited) aether engineer, or enthusiast, sure, but a fireball slinging wizard? This is not the place for that. I'll start up an actual RP thread + Discord in the weekend. Glad to see so many people are interested :)