By the way, to any lurkers, we're still open to anyone joining our wait list in case one or more of the opening 5 heroes drops out of the adventure. 

[s]I feel called out xP[/s]

I've been eager to give PF2e a shot; I would love the chance to practice the system before my current D&D group gets the chance to finish what we're doing and transition over to PF. Had one start here a few months ago but it didn't get to go anywhere. So yeah, I wouldn't mind being put on that wait list xD I don't typically like to play full on casters naturally, so a magical school setting is iffy for me, but I find working around limitations only makes the creativity flow more easily, so I'll start thinking about it xD

As for the two day rule, as someone who has fallen out of an RP before due to inactivity, I would probably appreciate the time limit, and give the entire group a reason to move on without me if something comes up. One day is definitely too fast a requirement for me personally. I definitely can't post daily. My vote would probably be more to the three-day limit, but I have no real qualms with two, if that's what everybody else is comfortable with