[@Digizel] Fantastic. I'll copy/paste the same spiel I just gave to another player who literally just expressed interest before you via PM: If you're keen, go and familiarize yourself with the first post in the OOC to make sure you're okay with everything there. Feel free to ask me any questions here. Mosey on over to https://pathbuilder2e.com/ and create a character sheet for yourself. In the "Details" tab, please include at least a few sentences of background. Right now, nothing is really off limits for character creation, so feel free to experiment. Lastly, make sure to let me know if there's anything you wouldn't want to see portrayed in the game. The current waitlist looks thusly: 1. [@Cleveraptor] 2. [@apheline] 3. [@Digizel] 4. [@clanjos] EDITED to add Clanjos to the above.