[b][/b][b]Michael de Shade- Knight of the Veil[/b] Son of a bitch! Michael cursed as he fired, his first shot exploding brick as the high powered slug ripped into the demon. Giving chase he whispered next the the magazine, blessing the weapon and the rounds it carried. Firing again he snarled as the round ripped through the open door missing the demons head by less than an inch. Holstering the gun, Michael hit the door at a full run. Blasting it open like a portcullis. Switching to the old tongue he spoke Aramaic, challenging the demon[i][b][color=ed1c24]“Cowardly snake, slither in the mud and muck like your ancestors.”[/color][/b][/i] Whispering he reached back and pulled the sword from the void. Smacking his riot shield with thee blade he cast aside the glamour on them. Jumping the least set of step Michael rose to his full height, Mournblade held forth like he knew what he was doing. He wasn’t one of these new knights that relied on fireballs and witch lights to do his work. He relied on a sharp sword and a solid shield. [i][b][color=ed1c24]“I will cast thee back unto the pit of foul beast.” [/color][/b][/i]He swore before calling in English. “You behind the door. Stay thy hand and open not the portal. On your soul the beast will devour you if thy passage is opened.” Turning his gaze fully upon the demon he smiled. “Face me demon, and a chance you may have. I'd prefer to face you, but I'll take your head from the front or behind. Your choice defiler."