[b][h2][CENTER]MATSURU YAOYOROZU[/CENTER][/h2][/b] [i]"This is it... We're dead..." "This is where I die..." "Keyaru... Dad... How does he know-"[/i] He was here. Standing in front of him. That same sickening power, that sinister glare, that gaunt born of pure malice. Keyaru was here. Was this his dance macabre? Matsuru thought he would be ready for their next encounter. He trained like there was no tomorrow. The voice of Matsuru's sickening father practically willed the young hero forward. There were days he would snap bones back in place to continue training. There were others Rin had to force Matsuru to stop training, Usually through [i]ahem[/i] dubious methods. But now, Matsuru realizes how futile all that training was. A fanciful tale born from the mind of a vindictive young man. There was no beating this man. There was no beating his eight bullets. He thinks he could hear Haru and Kanako yelling obscenities at Keyaru and his new companion. [i]"Don't... You'll die as well. Run. Just run. Run and don't look back."[/i] He can't stand, he can't even activate his Judgement Gaze. His throat feels caked, he chokes on his own breath. [i]"Am I drowning? No... That's just my blood. My blood?"[/i] It was all around him. Doused in his cloths, pooled on the floor around him, coming from his left arm... Wait, his arm? [i]"Wait... isn't there supposed to be a hand ther-"[/i] He looked down, and only saw bone, sinew, and loose flesh hanging from below his left elbow. Matsuru screamed. He yelled death, but nothing came out. His own blood pooling out of his mouth like a fountain. What was meant to be a shrill of terror came out as a pitiful whimper. He couldn't stand, he didn't know why. Was his leg blown off as well? Did he still have legs? He doesn't know. All Matsuru could focus on was Keyaru. The man who he almost captured a few months back, the one that caused all of this. Matsuru didn't feel malice, nor anger, nor spite, nor hatred. There was only one thing he felt in that moment. [b]Fear[/b] He was going to die. He could feel it. He wanted to yell at the others to run, but he couldn't even form the words in his mind. All that Matsuru Yaoyorozu, the Observant Hero Sherlock, could do was crawl towards Keyaru. He didn't get far, a stream of red followed him like a brush of paint on a canvas. His mind was gone, his vision blurred. All that was in his world right now was Keyaru and him. A small brush of hold pricked his right hand. From the ground, he could see a brilliant flash of white hair in the distance. [i]"Rin?" "Please, Rin." "Help them." "I'm sorry."[/i] The last thing Matsuru saw before delving into unconsciousness were those wicked yellow eyes peering into him like a serpent.