Amaya Himura Amaya watched the scene fly by as she stood ready to continue her strike. her drive, however she was frozen in her own acknowledgement. What the hell was wrong with her? She watched everything seem like slow Mo infront of her as her mind was trying to comprehend the sight. Her niece was there, harmed, hurt, calling out to her to save akira. Akira....Her newest roommate. The lad she had only met hours ago personally. She didn't know what was going on with her and why she stopped. she was pissed, she was mad at the nomu that harmed Her niece. She set forth her plan, having defeated the first for another to take its place. She was ready to send a single strike to take this new one out. However just then another hero came in to steal the kill. She snapped her head into reality shaking herself back to reality as she heard Mei's pout. it seemed they were fine.. " Yes Meimei... I-" Amaya was going to confirm to mei's wishes. her niece was hurt. one of her kin was was her fault as the head of the himura main branch, as the one all sees. She allowed harm to befall one of her own. It was then a flash freeze coated the area engulfing mei, akira was smart enough to move from it, using his quirk in time to escape. She looked around to the figure as she flipped her bow staff around her hands feeling it transform into a sword. "What the hell did you do to my niece..."She asked coldly to the woman finding herself unaffected as she swipped a hand out exterting her quirk and control of the freeze to hopefully overtake command and free mei. She was injuried. she couldnt survive this freeze. She needed to ensure mei and akira got out of there. It was then the ravens came as a heavenly ice wall came to freeze the area as she watched Icyhot narrowing her eyes " need to get mei and yourself out of here."She spoke watching them both out of the corner of her eye as she readied her blade just in case. ready to fight