[color=9e0039][b]Don Dominic Omerta - Gomorrah[/b][/color] [i]"I- In fact, many of our computers utilize the Unified Operating System, designed by Robert House!"[/i] “Exactly,” Dominic said with a suggestive wink at Faye, “I need UOS experts, and who better than Vault Dwellers like yourselves?” Dominic then listened calmly as Daniel raised his objections, or perhaps more accurately, concerns about the request. He let out a deep chuckle when the Vault Dweller had finished, “HA! Now look at the cojones on Danny-boy here. Armed assaults on Securitrons - I like your guts my friend. I’m truly honored and appreciative of your willingness to fight for my family, that's a sincere mark of respect to us Omertas, but I assure you it won’t be necessary.” Dominic leaned back in his chair and pulled out a finely decorated box of cigars. He offered one to Danny as well as the two sisters before carefully selecting one himself. He held it up as if he was plucking a prized flower, cut it, and placed it in his mouth before lighting it up. A waft of smoke drew upwards in his office, appropriately christening this backroom deal just like he would any other transaction. Didn’t matter if it was selling guns or chems, hiring hot new ‘talent’ for Gomorrah, or orchestrating the fall of a faceless autocrat: every deal needed a cigar, or three, to be finalized. “To your point Dany, no, if all goes well you won’t be putting any of your people in any kind of harm. I promise you. Think of yourselves only as….logistical support,” He said with a wide cigar-filled smile, “And if you help us, there’s a lot more in it for you than just water and soldiers. You’ll have a firm ally in Vegas, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you the benefits that brings - think exclusive trade deals and your very own spot right here on the Strip for your company should you want it.” “So I’ll ask one more time, are you up for it? Are you ready to make history in New Vegas with us?”