[b]Name[/b]: Kharne Blackmantle [b]Age[/b]: 24 [u][b]Backstory[/b][/u] [hider= It's long.] New world new you was apparently the name of the game. Kharne left behind his old name, sticking to the one given in the world he was reincarnated into. In his past life he was fairly well known, a spotlight on the world stage of combat sports was his. How did he get to that point? Training and a lot of it. When he was young he was a strong kid and he used it to his advantage. Doing sports, which led him to getting into scuffles. Eventually he wanted to learn to properly fight, so he got into boxing. And boy was her good at boxing! Strength, endurance, speed, reflexes, he had it all. But he wanted more. That led him into kick boxing, making his fighting feel more complete. He got into the professionals in his mid-twenties and he had planned to keep rising up. Unfortunately life had other plans in the form of a semi-truck running a red light and pulverizing his vehicle. Should have bought a tank dammit. Apparently isekai anime and manga were right. Getting hit by a truck and dying from it sent you elsewhere! Strangely...he was himself. He wasn't reborn technically, he was his actual self. Was his body left behind? Was all of him transported? Was he in a coma and this all just fabrications of his subconscious? Whatever he was a big boy he'd figure things out as he went. Given his background, and the new level of power he felt, he began to explore at a jog. Woods, forest, rocks, moss, bugs, birds he didn't recognize at all, same with some critters he buzzed past. Yeah this wasn't Earth. During his exploration he stumbled across a hut in the forest. He discovered a witch! He had no reason to do anything bad to the witch and they came to a bargain for things. He'd provide what she couldn't get or things she needed and she'd provide him magical things and information of the world. Good deal! Turns out some things she wanted were souls and bodies. He didn't know how to gather souls, but that was solved with a non-descript flask. Well he had the tools, time to work! And work he did, he scoured the local areas for humans, but not just any humans. Yes villagers would be easy, but why would he kill people he knew and had no issues with who had treated him well or neutrally? Instead he hunted around for bandits, killing them neatly in the night when they slept or were drunk off their ill-gotten goods. He did this for some time, scouring roads and hidey holes for evil humans and exchanged them for magical objects from the witch he had essentially become business partners with. It helped she had no use for the items, money, or gear the bandits had, he just let her have the food and drink. All these exchanges landed him a small bag of holding and an enchantment on his belt that boosted his already ridiculous physical capabilities! Unfortunately you can only kill so many people in such a 'small' area for so long before it becomes a dead zone of activity. Bandits, highwaymen, robbers, rapists, and molestors didn't come into the area anymore. Apparently word of mouth in the dark side of society spread rumors to keep clear of the forest, village, and roads for miles around. If he wanted to keep up with the exchanges he'd have to wander further, but that would deny him extra credit from bodies. He had no way to preserve corpses for long periods of time! Eh he'd have to make do with souls. To provide cover he signed up for being a mercenary. No one batted an eye if an merc killed another person who was deemed evil by the kingdom. He also got to fight new things, monsters! There hadn't been anything around his old village really, probably a result of the witch and various skinwalkers able to hide in the locales. Keep the area clean and no one has any reason to go out there. Either way he had plenty of work to do![/hider] [b]Appearance[/b] [hider][img]https://img.ifunny.co/images/c580dd211e2aef25b5b030d8a55dff1ccd84dd1134be83da003ec8a947f179c3_1.webp[/img][/hider] Kharne is a behemoth of a man standing at six feet and nine inches and built like a heavy weight boxer. His skin is lightly tanned with dozens of scars crisscrossing it. His clothing is made from dyed silk, dark smokey gray sleeveless shirt and black pants. He provided the silk making it as strong as some armors that exist! His belt, bracer, wrist-band, and fur-lined boots are made from blackened leather. [b]Monster Form[/b] [hider= Unfinished Form][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/28/70/58/2870581c72a002fc56f1459a877ab0f5.jpg[/img][/hider] He has not mastered his beast and is only able to turn into this monstrous unfinished form. Muscle and sinew are visible instead of smooth chitin. He's still gigantic in this form and can produce poison and webbing. [b]TYPE[/b]: Spider Skinwalker [b]Rank[/b]: Gold [b]Gear[/b][list] [*] [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/918/490/large/jimmy-poluszek-swordcleaverpreview1.jpg?1569684068]Piercing Cleaver[/url]: A huge cleaver, roughly four feet long eight inches wide and half an inch thick, made of well polished iron that has a wedge on the back. The grip is made of a stained mahogany and has a patina covered brass pommel and 'cross-guard'. [*] Monster Silk Clothing: Simple garb made from his silk that is akin to armor without the weight and movement hampering. The coloring is dull and blends in to non-vibrant backgrounds. The leather belt and wrist-band are studded with iron spikes, his boots and bracer are lined with fur, and his fingerless glove is silk. [*] Bag of Things: A small back that is at the small of his back attached to his belt. It's a magical item that holds more than it should be capable of. It holds a couple water-skins, a bottle of wine, a special flask, money, and numerous meaty snacks from various creatures. [/list] [u][b]Powers[/b][/u][list] [*] Monstrous Capabilities: Given that Kharne is a Skinwalker he is unnaturally powerful. His strength is immense, his speed unreal, and his reflexes frightening for such a young Skinwalker, possibly from his hunting habits and being of the Spider background. [*] Monstrous Defenses: As a Skinwalker he is resistant to most damages, minus silver of course, and has regenerative capabilities considering only decapitation seems to be what can kill him. [*] Spider Traits: He's a spider type, he has webs. No it doesn't just come from above his butt, he can spit it with his mouth. The webbing is quite strong and durable, able to easily keep a horse aloft. They can be sticky or they can be more like silk from moth larvae. As a spider he does house poison glands. Granted his won't kill someone unless he just injects the whole payload. But a bite can cause incredible pain, inflammation in the bite area, and fevers. [*] Champion: In his previous life he was a fighter, specifically Boxing and Kick Boxing. He was a natural at punching and kicking things, so much so he got into the big leagues with his skills. [*] Boost!: Using his limited magical capabilities he can increase his physical capabilities by 1.5x. This only affects his Strength, Speed, and Reflexes. The Boost effect is toggled on and off via his equipment, One Round on One Round off. [/list]