[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240704/15c5dce39db5f4bba3924f90f056f479.png[/img][/center] [quote][sub][color=PaleTurquoise] October 10th, 2029. Peterson Estates Passenger Island, Castleburg On a mission with: Alchemist [@Duoya], Blast [@Hitman], Gematria [@Scarifar], Bastion [@Infinite Cosmos], Dahlia [@baraquiel] [/color][/sub][/quote] [hr] When Madison got to the top of the stairs, she heard more footsteps behind her, and hid in the nearest door which was a broom cupboard. From there, she heard both gunshots, and then footsteps of several people past the door. She heard Ada's voice talking to, she presumed, Alchemist. So, was it Peterson's wife who was behind this? Were they the boss? How far did this really go? Either way, she all but admitted that she'd been using her husband, and she was in possession of some kind of button that could kill him. So, there was no point 'rescuing' Peterson until Ada was captured. She addressed somebody else in the room too. That must be Gematria. Madison still had the element of surprise, but now wasn't the right time. Adawas going to take the other two Heroes somewhere. Madison would tail them, and then look for an opportunity to rescue Peterson. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240725/aa611a17ebaf35803318d19d0d52a4be.png[/img][/center] [quote][sub][color=Bisque] October 10th, 2029. Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant Brookside, Castleburg On a mission with: Mire [@Blizz], Crane [@Zoey Boey], Blur Rabbit [@DClassified], Ardent [@manythings], Terraformer [@shylarah], Freakshow [@Crusader Lord] [/color][/sub][/quote] [hr] Lab Rat silently let Torch monologue, as he fed them a fair amount of useful information. He was bragging. He wasn't planning to let any of them leave alive if he could help it. But Lab Rat had fought a lot of villians in her time, and they tended to underestimate her as 'the nerdy one who's power is to talk to rats'. Even this villain had a vendetta against another member of their team. They had a history that Flora didn't want to pay much attention to out of respect for her teammate. This attitue changed when she saw that the sleeping one was injected with something, and begin to transform. A power enhancer? Or is he turning more into a Leftover? Serious and painful side effects, so it clearly hadn't been perfected yet. Was this somebody's attempt to replicate Project Chimera? Either way, the mere existance of something like that had serious ramifications! Even though Menace grew so huge and powerful, she just had to trust that backup was arriving and that the Heroes outside could handle it for now. Upon seeing the monologuing villain had a fire power, Flora took off her lab coat and let it drop to the ground. Maybe she'd need to rethink her gimmick if a long, flowing lab cape could be a fire hazard. And she'd been so proud of coming up with the name 'Lab Rat', too. The Twins approached her and Ardent, tried to weakly mock them, and then began multiplying. Flora pondered Ardent's question. Could she snag that black box? As Torch and Luna began fighting, she didn't think so. At least not yet. The fight was too frantic and messy and she'd just get in the way. Instead, she wanted to retrieve the empty needle gun. She wanted to take it back to Hero One and analyse this serum. While her back was turned, one of the Twin clones swung at her with a crowbar, and bashed her skull. It hurt a lot, and had caused a nasty bruise, but Flora had barely moved from the impact. Her muscles and bones were both far too strong to succumb to blunt force like that. She dispatched the clone with an elbow to the face that knocked him out, without even needing to turn round. She then retrieved and stashed the empty needle in one of her belt pouches. Unfortunately, Torch then injected himself with another needle. So it was a power amplifier after all, though the side effects seemed to be no less intense. He then immediately began spewing forth fire in every direction. On instict, Lab Rat darted away and to the wall, which then then scurried [i]up[/i] and [i]across[/i] with all four limbs. She was moving more like a rat than a real human now. Once she was facing his current blind spot, she leapt from the wall and attempted to tackle him. The heat was uncomfortable to her enhanced senses but she had to neutralize him and fast.