[centre][h2][colour=#b08cc9]A Romantic Evening[/colour][/h2][/centre] [hr] The ball was about to start, Sven was waiting patiently for Esmii to arrive, he was dressed in smart clothes that he had for special occasions, however it had been a long time since he had to wear an outfit like this. Esmii had been invited by Hylaenii, the Queen of Mycromi, and he wanted to look his best for this. His attention went off in a direction, it was Esmii. Esmii on noticing Sven, quickly began to rush to him, as she shouted, to get his attention. [colour=#b08cc9]"Sven, my love, I’m here."[/colour] Esmii was dressed in a beautiful and elegant dress, it had a more human look to it but with its pretty colours mixed with a floral design that comes from the trim to her hips. It was a modified design of what her mother wore once. She had a silver pendant that was given to her by her older sister on her last birthday. And her hair was braided down the side of her body, resting on her shoulder, with a silver butterfly hair pin that was gifted to her by her new friend Lunara. Esmii stopped in front of Sven, giving him a twirl so he could see it from all angles. [colour=#b08cc9]"What do you think?"[/colour] she said with a smile, waiting in anticipation for his response. However the only word that Sven was able to say was, [color=385403]”Wow…”[/color] His mouth was partly open as he stared, enchanted by Esmii's beauty in her dress. Esmii on noticing his look, blushed and let out a little giggle, she then placed her index finger on his jaw, and closed his mouth. [colour=#b08cc9]"I take it that you love it."[/colour] She teased him, and Sven couldn't take his eyes off her, the only thing he managed was a nod. Suddenly he realised where they were and regained his composure. He gently took hold of her hand, slowly lifted it to his mouth and kissed it. [color=385403]”Shall we go, my Shweet.”[/color] He then held his arm out for her to link to him. Esmii placed her hand on his arm and answered. [colour=#b08cc9]"Yes, my love, we should be heading in."[/colour] They began to walk into the hall, where the ball was taking place. As they arrived at the main entrance of the ball. There were quite a few couples standing in line waiting to get in. [colour=#b08cc9]"Oh no, at this rate, we're going to be late."[/colour] all small frown appeared on her face when she spoke. She turned on her heel with Sven swinging around to face in the opposite direction, getting ready to queue. “You two, stop.”A voice shouted to Esmii and Sven. The Yasoi and her Eskandr boyfriend turned back around to see who was calling them. It was a guard, [color=385403]”Shomething wrong?”[/color] Sven asked the guard. The guard shook his head before speaking. “No, nothing.” His gaze went to Esmii. “You're Miss, Tawaar, correct?” He asked. Esmii nodded in response, curious on what this was about. “I have been waiting for you to arrive. I was given orders by Queen Hylaenii to escort you to the ball. Please follow me and you'll be let in.” The guard turned on his heel, walking towards the crowd, with Esmii and Sven behind him. “Make way, they have been invited by the Queen. Make way.” The guard bellowed, the citizens who were waiting their turn, parted, giving Esmii and Sven a straight and clear path to the entrance of the ball. As the couple got closer and closer, Esmii couldn't contain her excitement, letting out a little girly squeal, and her grip on Svens arm got tighter. Inside the ball there were a lot of people, all finely dressed, converging in conversations with one another. There were a lot of fine, expensive decorations, and a few people that Esmii could see stood at the apex of a stairwell. The Crier, upon seeing them enter the room, cleared his throat before announcing that they had arrived. “Please welcome Esmii’Nesta’Tawaar accompanied by Jarl Sven Bjørnsson.” Esmii placed her hand on Sven's arm as she walked, she glanced around taking in all of the beautiful sights, smells, people, and music. It was amazing to her, as she had never seen anything like this before. [colour=#b08cc9]"I'll never forget this moment."[/colour] she stated as tears started to form in her eyes. Then she felt a finger gently wipe the tears from her eyes. It wasn't hers, it was Svens. [color=385403]”I won't forget thish moment too.”[/color] He leaned forward, kissing her forehead. Esmii let out a little giggle, in response. As Sven pulled away, she wrapped her arms around his head pulling him closer, her soft lips pressed against his, Svens arms cradled her frame, his hands resting on her hips. As their lips parted she whispered. [colour=#b08cc9]"I love you."[/colour] [color=385403]”And I you.”[/color] He responded, moving his head forward wanting to kiss her again. On noticing what he wanted, Esmii moved herself to meet his lips to continue their passionate kiss. During this tender moment Esmii felt his hands gently squeeze her rear. Esmii cheeks went bright red and she whispered, [colour=#b08cc9]"Later Sven."[/colour] She gave him a smirk and winked, while she moved his hands back to her hips. With a mischievous smile he grabbed one of Esmii's hands, and took her to the dance floor. Esmii asked in surprise.[colour=#b08cc9]"Sven, where are you leading me?"[/colour] Sven glanced back at her with his mischievous smile, which he knew she loved, he then quickly answered [color=385403]”To the dancefloor.”[/color] He then stopped, and looked into her big, round, emerald eyes, and began to lead the dance, moving her body in motion to the rhythm of the music that was around them. At first Esmii wasn't sure what to make of this, they had never danced like this in such a public place, however it seemed that her tension faded with each passing second, as she knew that she was with Sven. Esmii placed a hand on his shoulder as they danced, her eyes not breaking contact with his. To them this was pure bliss, being together like this was a moment of pure happiness for them. Esmii then placed a hand on his neck, and slowly brought his head down to kiss him. The kiss they shared was soft and enchanting, with neither one breaking away. Throughout the night the lovely couple spend their time dancing, socialising with others. Even spotting their good friend Niallus having a great time dancing with the queen of Mycromii. Both wondered how long it would be before he would be bold enough to try to bed the queen. With the night upon them and the ball coming to an end both the Yasoi and the Eskandr had a bit too much to drink, so they decided to leave for his place. Upon arriving at his place, they wasted little time, giving in to their intimate desire for one another, their clothes discarded with haste.