[hider=Arne Ragnarson] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/real-hasta-la-muerte-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240602/de4fe7e6f48f4be73dc81c10ad19cf0d.png[/img][/url][/center] [color=39b54a]39b54a[/color] [center] [hider=The Eagle] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/946085234833752075/1246650951230554112/taetaesaurus_a_digital_illustration_of_a_very_handsome_young_pi_27447f93-2069-4213-b80b-cf529a1890bd.png?ex=665d29ac&is=665bd82c&hm=c0f35c186a2b6f4171e95174ea47242218968e884066282ed6482f7fddcf4167&[/img] [/hider] [h3][b][/b][/h3][/center] [hr] [color=0054a6][h2][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/h2][/color] [b]Height:[/b][color=39b54a]6'3"/1.91m[/color] [b]Weight:[/b][color=39b54a]200lb/91kg[/color] [b]Eye Color:[/b][color=39b54a]Vibrant Blue[/color] [b]Hair Length/Texture:[/b][color=39b54a]Shoulder length when down but that is rare[/color] [b]Hair Color:[/b][color=39b54a]Dirty/dusty blonde[/color] [b]Skin Color:[/b][color=39b54a]Fair, but weathered by the sea breeze[/color] [b]Facial details(freckles, moles, etc):[/b][color=39b54a]Some minor scars and healed wounds from prior battles[/color] [b]Distinguishing features:[/b][color=39b54a]His braided/forked beard, which is the same color as his hair[/color] [b]Clothing Preferences:[/b][color=39b54a]He keeps his clothing choices simple, choosing not to spend what meager wages he gets on something as trivial as flashy clothing. He tends to stick to a dark/navy/muted blue and a variation of darker browns. He will occasionally allow himself small adornments in his tied hair or braided beard and he will always been seen with a armlet, intricately engraved with runes that looks tarnished.[/color] [hr] [color=0054a6][h2][u][b]Psychology[/b][/u][/h2][/color] [b]Likes:[/b] [color=39b54a][list] [*] Being at sea [*] Pillaging [*] Rum, which is always gone for one reason or another [*] His brothers at sea [*] Seeing the rich suffer [/list][/color] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [color=39b54a][list] [*] Rules [*] The navy [*] The Royal Family [*] Being poor [/list][/color] [b]Sexuality:[/b][color=39b54a]Heterosexual[/color] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [color=39b54a] [list] [*] Singing Sea shanties [*] Going on raids [*] Visiting brothels [*] Sailing the seas [*] Drinking [/list] [/color] [b]Life Goals/Dreams:[/b] [color=39b54a]The be the most infamous seafarer in history[/color] [b]Personality Summary:[/b] Brash [color=39b54a]||[/color] Unapologetic [color=39b54a]||[/color] Direct [hr] [color=0054a6][h2][u][b]Background[/b][/u][/h2][/color] [b]Current occupation:[/b] [color=39b54a]Privateer/Pirate[/color] [b]Any past occupations?:[/b] [color=39b54a]Commodore with the Sorian Navy[/color] [b]Relatives:[/b][color=39b54a] [list] [*] Ragnar Agnarrson / father / Alive [*] Freya Torsdottir / mother / Alive [*] Ingrid Ragnarson / sister / Alive [*] Halfdan Agnarrson / Uncle / Wanted criminal, location currently unknown [/list][/color] [b]Skills:[/b] [color=39b54a] [list] [*] Seafaring [*] Naval combat [*] Naval survival [*] Swordsmanship [/list][/color] [b]History Summary:[/b] [color=39b54a][center] One For All [/center][/color] Well. Where does one begin with Arne. His upbringing was fairly normal. Decent family from Krasivaya, father was a career naval officer and mother was a homemaker. Arne and his sister Ingrid grew up in relative comfort, with their father bringing home his salary and their mother making things work at all times. This continued for what felt like ages. Until his uncle Halfdan showed up at their doors. Arne's father, Ragnar, of course welcomed his brother into his house and shared food and drink with him. Halfdan of course did not refuse. Being 13, Arne was allowed to stick around and share ale with the men as they talked about life and their own journeys. Sven with his heroics with the navy and Halfdan with his exploits as a privateer at sea. They all worked for the Royal Family, no doubt, but their approach to life could not be more different. Ragnar was a man of the people, always following the law and he was fair with all he had dealings with. Halfdan was cunning, willing the bend the law for his benefit and tended to take advantage of people as long as it did not cause grievous harm. Young Arne did not understand the difference, but he knew he wanted to be like his father, and be a officer in the Royal Navy. So. As soon as he was allowed to, much to his mother's chagrin, Arne joined and was [i] coincidentally [/i] placed into his father's squadron, as the lowest enlisted member. Ragnar gave young Arne no quarters. He treated his son as any other enlisted seamen, and one could even say he was extraordinarily strict towards the young Arne. Arne paid it no mind. He understood that his father was behaving as such to sharpen him up, to make him seaworthy. Dutifully, Arne served and learned. The other members of the squadron thought Arne was going to rise faster than them due to nepotism, but no. Arne rose slower than his peers, as his father would have liked. He was to be given no leeway. His achievements were seldom acknowledged, much less celebrated and his mistakes were scrutinized and reprimanded accordingly. Arne never once bared a grudge towards his father or other officers in the ranks. He wanted this. He wanted to learn and become someone his father can trust. Fast forward 5 years. Arne, now 20, was a lieutenant in the Royal Navy. His peers were ranked higher but they did not care. To them, Arne was the most deserving of a higher rank than all of them. Arne has always done exemplary work and the senior and flag officers would all agree to that. Ragnar, now ranked Rear Admiral, had to constantly remind and sometimes plead with his own peers to not over-praise Arne. Meanwhile, Halfdan Agnarrson, Privateer, was still roaming the seas, parading his royal pardon to any who would listen. Often, it would be Rear Admiral Agnarrson commissioning Privateer Agnarrson and his ship, the Sun Howler, to 'rid the coasts of would be intruders'. Stories of Halfdan's ruthlessness started reaching back to the naval command and Ragnar had to call Halfdan into a meeting, unofficially. The conversation got heated and that's the last Arne heard from or about his uncle... Fast forward another 5 years. Now 25, Arne has once again climbed in ranks. Commordore First Class Arne Ragnarson. That was his official title. To anyone that served with his father, and have not retired, his title when not in an official setting is 'The kid' or 'Ragnar's boy'. Such as it is when your father is a retired legend, with over 100 sorties and expeditions under his belt, having been made Vice-Admiral just before he reached his maximum service time and retired to full honors. Arne carried all with him with pride. His father, and his achievements, have always been what he striven to reach. Now that there is a clear, and defined, goal ahead of him, Arne can do everything in his power to make his father proud. Or so he thought. On one sunny morning, an order came down from command that Arne and his squadron is to set out in pursuit of a company of rogue privateers that have since been labeled pirates. Arne, being the dutiful officer that he is, accepted the mission without hesitate and tasked his crew to embark posthaste. Aboard the HMS Thunder Waves, the flagship in the newest Zephyr-Class warship, Arne and his crew spearheaded the chase of this rogue privateer. One thing of note is that the mission did not disclose the name of the privateer or his ship. They were simply given an order to pursuit any ships that flew the black. During the mission, Arne operated efficiently, albeit all with a sense of unease, like he was doing something wrong. After two weeks at sea, Arne receives a message from another ship in the squadron that they had spotted three ships, all flying the black. Arne gave the command to set course to pursue the trio of pirate ships and his crew sprang into action. Over the next two days, the HMS Thunder Waves and her squadron made up for lost time and were now in range to fire upon the rogue ships. Arne fired a volley of warning shots, hoping that the ships would slow and surrender themselves. When that did not happen, Arne gave the order to make the necessary adjustments and prepare to fire. Just then. The three ships being pursues simultaneously lowered their flags and raised a white flag on their main mast. Arne gathered nine of his best fighters and left the HMS Thunder Waves in the command of his first mate before boarding a dingy to set out to parlay with the pirates. What he would see when he reached the other party would shock him. It was his uncle, Halfdan Agnarrson, leading the pirated. Arne and his team were lead aboard the Sun Howler to treatise and come to terms. However, Halfdan gave Arne his side of the story, of how the Royal Family grew tired of how wealthy Halfdan had gotten with his royal commission and simply wanted him gone. That Arne is now faced with a decision. Arne can fight him and his crew, potentially win, and accomplishing him missions, But in order to do that he'd have to kill his own blood. Or, he can join him and become a pirate, living freely of any shackles in doing so. Arne of course declined and continued to try to reason with his uncle, that him and his crew should return to port with Arne and all will be sorted with the Royal Family. Halfdan laughed at how naive his nephew was and made the first move. Halfdan's crew snuck up and gave a swift stab to any unsuspecting naval crew and was able to dispatch any remaining. Arne, shocked to his core, drew his standard issue cutlass and prepared to fight to the death. Instead, with one hand gesture, Halfdan stood his crew down and let Arne leave. Halfdan told Arne to think upon his words and actions, and see the light of what the Royal Family really is about. Arne made it back to the HMS Thunder Waves and gave the command to pursue the pirates with everything they had. However, in the delay of Arne rowing himself back to his ship, the pirates caught the easterlies and disappeared behind the setting sun. Dejected, having lost the lives of 9 of his crew, Arne called off the pursuit and returned to port. The Royal Family of course did not take kindly to their mission being failed and came down hard on Arne. Arne, being who he is, shouldered the blame of everything and made certain that his crew were only very lightly reprimanded, if at all. Through it all, Arne was was placed on an indefinite leave without pay, and even his own father had his pensions reduced to that of an captain for 6 months as punishment. Arne tried to explain what happened, the choices he faced and the information he was given by his uncle. Ragnar tried his best to understand, but his sense of justice did not allow him. He saw this family as the biggest stain on the family, even more than his own younger brother essentially turning to piracy. He disowned Arne, despite the pleadings of Arne's mother and sister. Devastated, Arne left home. All he had with him with whatever monies he had on him and the uniform that he wore that faithful day. Arne spent the next 6 months drifting from port to port, not being accepted by neither side of the coin. The freefolk saw him as a officer of the law and the common folk saw him as a disgraced officer. This turn of events turned his heart to ice, made him realize what his uncle told him that day was the truth, that the Royal Family would squeeze every drop of usefulness out of someone then they're simply discarded without second thought. Everything he has done for them meant nothing. He tore apart what remained of his naval uniform and burned it. He vowed to take down the Royal Family. It was no longer "One For All" for Arne. He used what he had available to him, that being knowledge of the Royal Navy and their strategic position, and bargained his way aboard the Remembrance. Fighting, pillaging, and redistributing whatever loot he came across, this is now his mission. Never again shall the Royal Family use him for their benefit. Now, he shall be the biggest thorn on their side. [hr] [hider=Questionaire] [color=0054a6][h2][u][b]Questionnaire[/b][/u][/h2][/color] [color=0054a6] [u][b]History[/b][/u][/color] [b]Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?:[/b] Nurtured [b]When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?:[/b] My room, but now the Crow's Nest on a ship [b]What were you like in your teenage years?:[/b] I don't want to talk about it [b]How close are you to your parents?:[/b] He disowned me. I don't know how my mother and sister are doing [b]Do you have any trauma that haunts you?:[/b] No [b]What advice would you give your younger self?:[/b] Never trust the Royal Family. They don't care about you [b]Were you an obedient child or defiant?:[/b] Obedient [b]What is your biggest regret?:[/b] Having to face my father that one day [color=0054a6][u][b]Romance[/b][/u][/color] We don't need to talk about this [color=0054a6][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color] [b]Describe your ideal Sunday morning:[/b]... Really? [b]What kind of person do you aspire to be?:[/b]... [b]What bad habits do you have?:[/b]Whatever you think are bad habits, I probably do it [b]If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be?:[/b]Fuck off [b]What is your greatest fear?:[/b]... [b]What are your pet peeves?:[/b]People with too many questions [b]When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others?:[/b]What do you think? [b]Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?:[/b]Sword, pistol, fists [/hider] [/hider]