Alright, so first things first: [url=]Here's[/url] a site where someone uploaded stuff for their personal campaign, including the 19 classes and a Player Aid. Don't worry about chargen just yet, we've gotta build a world! 1. Decide the shape of your world. Is it round, flat, donut-shaped, or are there nations floating in the clouds? Has its shape even been discovered? 2. Draw a map or use a Map Sheet- remember to establish the length of a travel day! 3. What is the role of MAGIC and TECHNOLOGY in your setting? Is it a medieval setting, an age of industrial development, or is it more renaissance-like? Is magic seen as a form of science, or is it more of a grand mystery? For me, personally, it doesn't feel like a JRPG without at least a few floating islands. Heck, it's in a lot of the promotional art for the game too.