[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Xp4di1L.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/U9GhdDi.png[/img][/center] [H2][color=gray]Tarin, Eagle Inn[/color][/h2] [@The Otter] [hr] The whistle of a knife cut through their ‘conversation’, causing the hooded man and Anabel's eyes to be drawn to the dagger stuck in the floorboards. Anabel immediately twisted in the man's grasp, turning to glare at Callum. “Are you crazy? You could have hit me!” [quote=Callum][color=#fcba03]"That's no way to treat a lady [i]or[/i] a child, is it?"[/color][/quote] The hooded man regarded Callum with a silent stare, before he chuckled, and clenched down on Anabel's arm harder, causing her to yelp in pain. [b]“Is that so, little man?” [/b]The man said in a deep, relaxed voice behind his mask. [quote=Callum][color=#fcba03]"We were just about to have a lovely dinner together. Can I interest you in [i]not[/i] being a nuisance, and leaving us be?"[/color][/quote] The man stared a moment more, before he shrugged.[b] “Sorry, boy. I'm not leaving until I get what I need.”[/b] Two guards entered the tavern, clearly marked as a noble’s entourage. Anabel's guards. Their hands flew to their swords, unsheathing them as they yelled.[b] “Unhand her, or else!”[/b] The masked man merely stared somewhat amused at this, before he waved his hand. Two wisps shot out, striking their targets, and the guards slumped where they stood, dazed and unseeing. Not sparing the intrusion another thought, the man glanced down at his captive Baroness. [b]“Well, my lady, shall we get going?”[/b] With a confident[i] “humph!”[/i] The man slung Anabel over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She uselessly beat his back with her little fists. [b]“Put me down!”[/b] He shrugged her once, impacting her diaphragm and winding her, causing her to groan quietly, and become silent. Satisfied, the man returned his focus to Callum. [b]“Being a hero doesn't suit you, boy. [i]Trust me.[/i] Why don't you step aside, and you can forget you ever met this little girl, or that you ever laid eyes on me.”[/b] There was a threat laced in his tone, and as he spoke, Callum would notice something bone-chilling begin to take shape. Shades, demons, began to morph in the man's shadow, stretching out with bony, phantom hands towards Callum. Just the sight was shocking enough, however, it was what they whispered in Callum's ears that truly drove the fear home. [i]“You will never amount to anything. A noble without recognition, forgotten in the history books.”[/i] [i]“It's your fault they died. You're cursed. Everyone that gets close to you perishes.”[/i] As the phantoms spoke, the man's aura seemed to fill the entire room with fear and dread. Even Anabel had grown quiet. Grinning behind his mask, the man stepped forward, aiming to move past Callum. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zg3jjxt.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/PeJ9Br9.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Athroyeaux Castle, Throne Room[/color][/h2] [@Izurich], [@LunarParadox], [@ERode], [@Irradiant], [@Click This] [hr] [quote=’Mèlisande’][color=f68192][b]"If she truly wishes to resort to such lengths to consolidate her power, then I... no, it's the duty of all to stop her hubris, even if one supports her to the very end, she knows not what she's about to do. I do not believe for a moment that such a behemoth would answer to anyone but itself."[/b][/color][/quote] The Ghost King nodded, please with their answer. Before his head tilted, and he spoke a bit in response. [b]“Alas, what my,”[/b] he glanced to Valor for a brief moment. [b]“[i]Associates[/i] have discovered is that not only is it possible, but it's an undeniable fact that if [i]Evelyn[/i] gets her hands on this leviathan, she will be able to control it to such a fine degree, not even all our armies combines stand a chance. “That's the power of a particular Seed she's unearthed, from my sources.”[/b] [quote=Duke Rhinecliff]“Your Majesty, this is certainly an artifact without compare, but if you possessed such power, I must ask: why have you not simply claimed the Wizard-Queen for yourself, before this critical juncture was reached? The Clandestine have moved across Hathforth without duress, and the duchies are, at best, neutral towards our sovereign. There would have been no great demand to have her returned, if you had spirited her away.”[/quote] [quote=Duchess Bastille]“Rhinecliff has brought up a prudent observation, King of Ravenfell. Trust should be the foundation for all forms of cooperation.And what precedes trust is transparency.”[/quote] [quote=Duchess Agustria]“What His Majesty speaks is true. What the Queen will find in my waters will change the balance of power. However, I find myself in full agreement with Duchess Altina. You cannot hope to open a mutual dialogue with us without some basis of trust. Your Majesty, is it merely the Queen that you desire? Or something yet more?”[/quote] The Ghost King rested his hand on his fist as he sat on his dark throne, gauntlet glinting in the white magelights as he regarded the duke. [b]“You're a wise man, Duke of Rhinecliff. As are you, Duchess Bastille, and you, Duchess Agustria. I will endeavor to be as transparent with you as possible, in this moment… “You're right, the Clandestine are undetected in Arrowfell. They could easily spirit her away, if I were to command it.”[/b] His voice reverberated in the stillness of the stone throne room, echoing into the quiet before he spoke again, steel in his disembodied tone. [b]“It's only been recently that I've discovered the Wizard Queen as the one I have lost. The one who betrayed me and my kingdom. However, I do have… other plans, that have kept me rather occupied. “If I were to take the Queen myself, I would not send the Clandestine. Nay, I would bring my armies. Those take time to gather, of course. And I would not… Be leaving empty-handed.”[/b] The Ghost King leaned back in his seat, looking at the ‘Tearmoon’, Lord Blackthorne, Duchess Bastille, Duke Rhinecliff and Duchess Augustria. His tone was calm, as if he were merely stating facts. [b]“This is why I've extended my invitation to you. I plan to expand my domain, and liberate it from the tyranny of the Wizard Queen. Help me, and you will survive the changing of the crown, and find yourself in a favorable position. You will retain your titles, your lands. You will only swear fealty to me, and welcome in the age of a new dawn. Everything the Wizard Queen has taken from you, I will return. Every suffering you have felt, I will lift it. I will return peace to Arrowfell.”[/b] [hr] [hider=Retconned] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nxi4yjM.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hathforth, Pier, The Battle-Blood Minstrel, Under the Deck[/color][/h2] [@LunarParadox], [@Izurich] [hr] [quote=’Mèlisande][color=f68192][b]"Shocked by this invitation to commit high treason, I wholeheartedly refused, the notion of biting the hand that had given me so much was inconceivable… However, with a heavy heart, I have to tell you that Duke Rhinecliff held no such loyalty, he acquiesced to cooperate, but we all expected that, it's an open secret that he had no love for Her Majesty, indeed, his betrayal wasn't what unsettled us the most, instead..."[/b][/color] [color=f68192][b]"That Lord Blackthorne too acceded to the scheme."[/b][/color][/quote] [quote=Eirwen][color=8493ca]"The tale is true to an extent. We did, indeed, proceed to this ghostly court, in my intention to investigate. I had assumed my apprentice, in her wisdom, indeed understood my intent. Perhaps Tearmoon, beyond this young one, deserves more scrutiny. 'Tis often the elders that puppeteer the young."[/color][/quote] Vulluin stood there, his gaze staring hard between them. Before he sighed, and pressed a delicate hand against his forehead. [b]”Putting the blame upon each other, distancing yourself from the situation, bathing yourself in a better light… All tell-tale signs you knew you were up to no good…”[/b] A moment of silence passed, before Vulluin drew his hands together with a light [i]clap[/i]. His lavender eyes glanced at Lady Tearmoon, then Lord Blackthorne, as a bit of his Seed steeped the air. His earrings glimmered, and an aura of dread, churning their stomachs, took effect. [b]”There will be a formal hearing. When this excursion to Athius concludes, you both will be expected to be present in the Throne Room. You both will have the chance to present your side of the story, and defend yourself how you wish. “However, it will be Her Majesty who will ha e the final say in what happens to you, and if you will be pardoned.”[/b] Vulluin sighed, drawing his hands into the folds of his robes, drawing them together across his sternum. [b]”I don't have to stress how much of a difficult position you've put me in, with this information. I will tell Her Majesty what you've told me, but… You saw her with Duke Willowsteel, yes? “Best come prepared to the hearing. And, I don't need to tell you, but missing the hearing for any reason would be considered treason.”[/b] Vulluin’s face grew a bit pained, sympathetic. [b]”I know you both are faithful, and that you want to serve your queen. I'm hopeful, once you show your earnestness to Her Majesty, she will grant you a full pardon, and your names will be cleared. “If it's any consolation, Duke Rhinecliff will be requested to attend the hearing, as well as anyone else in attendance… “Regardless, enjoy the voyage to Athius. Her Majesty will be counting on you when we reach the fated point, and make contact with the denizens below.”[/b] [/hider] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qv8ncAY.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=gray]Hathforth, Pier, The Battle-Blood Minstrel, Top Deck[/color][/h2] [@Irradiant] [hr] [quote=Sir Hayworth]“Good day, Your Highness, I prostrate myself before your radiance.”[/quote] The Wizard Queen watched the small battalion with shimmering eyes, a light smile on her face. Her eyes darted down the glance at the sword when she detected the slightest use of magic, and her eyes half-lidded coolly. [b]”Be at ease, Sir Hayworth, and company.”[/b] [quote=Sir Hayworth]“Unfortunately, Her Grace could not make it this occasion. I hope it is not an insult to Your Highness to have me take her place on her behalf. Her Grace has bequeathed to me her most prized possession, a sign of her dedication to your safety.”[/quote] The Wizard Queen spied upon the fanciful diamond-like Seed in Sir Hayworth. It was evidence that the duchess had indeed placed Sir Hayworth in her stead while she attended other business. The Wizard Queen's head tilted, curiosity passing through her as she considered what the duchess could be busy with. [b]”To bequeath you her Seed is quite the display of trust, Sir Hayworth. I trust you're working on her behalf.”[/b] [quote=Sir Hayworth]“People often say that there will inevitably come a time when the student surpasses the master. But I’m afraid that time has not yet come for our poor Duchess. Rest assured, Your Highness, I will keep you safe.”[/quote] [b]”I have seen Duchess Bastille's skills in action, she is no small feat. As you are the one to have trained her, I can only feel gratitude that you are with me, good sir.”[/b] She said, her soft smile slightly extending. The Wizard Queen gestured to the helmsman beside her, “I will have Jeoffrey, my helmsman, escourt your men to their quarters. Meanwhile, I would ask that you remain at my side while we navigate the waters to Athius. [b]“We are not expecting any resistance on the way, but once I've acquired what I need in Athius, I am curious if the fates might try something… “There's also the nature of the… [i]asset[/i] I'm requiring. Luke breaking a horse, it may need a few lashes before it heels. I would ask for your assistance in this matter as well, Sir Hayworth.”[/b] The Wizard Queen gestured to the staircase leading below deck as the sailors around them busied with preparing the ship. [b]“There is a buffet below you and your men are welcome to, and spend your time how you like before we depart in the evening. There is the matter of Duke Willowsteel’s execution I must attend to, and then we will set sail.”[/b]