Rolan crossed his arms, brow furrowing in thought as the Witch first explained herself and the other Knights chimed in. A geas, magical compulsion, to not speak of who trained them here. Notably, he was free to speak about his own trainer, though he had never had any intention to speak on the matter at all. He was not terribly familiar with the magics behind the entire concept, but a compulsion on terrible penalty was certainly a drastic measure. He didn't necessarily disagree with it either, even as dissenting voices spoke up among the Roses. Some of what was learned here could no doubt be turned against the right person, it only made sound sense to ensure that such a thing could not come to pass. Of course, at least two spoke up in disagreement, and not with compelling arguments either. Ser Gerard and Ser Fleuri were opposed to the enchantment, making arguments about the nobility of knighthood preventing them from violating the agreement. Not much stock in that, it was one of the legendary knights that had turn coated against the others, and if the legends can make mistakes and incorrect decisions, they certainly could. The With seemed to be thinking the same thing, saying about as much in response to their arguments, and making note of a far more drastic alternative. Agree to a mutual contract, or be forced under penalty of severe punishment. Not much of a choice, that, and he had better things to do than worry about accidentally violating the geas and being ruined for it. Ser Renar seemed to be inclined to reinforce that, and given the information that Rolan had available to him, there really wasn't much of a choice to be made here. Lesser of two evils, as one might say, and the lesser evil was simply to accept the geas and move on. [color=lightblue]"I agree to the terms of your geas. As Ser Renar stated, I also have little reason to discuss what happened here, and better the less arduous option."[/color] Nevermind that the terms were even lighter on him since he really had not dealt with the Knights themselves, having sought out a different teacher who was not bound by the same restrictions. The trials being freely discussed as well could be information plenty for anyone who he needed to talk with, should it come up, but he could also simply not answer anyone pestering him about his improvements. No, he wasn't going to tempt the Witch into using a more forceful measure if he didn't have to. The amount of pitched fighting that had proceeded through the trials didn't need a more forceful spell from the Witch to wrap it all up.