Alaina: Nephilim She opened her eyes alright, staring at Randall, and emptied her stomach before anyone could move. Once she was done, she dry heaved a few more times as her stomach and soul rebelled against the revulsion of the demon she’d seen. And the voices in her head were screaming louder than ever. Fucking shit ass heroin. She’d beat Tommy when she caught up to him. If he lived through whatever was happening to him. Swinging she felt her knuckled hit something like a cast iron kill, bones making a gross crunch as she dislocated knuckles, fire screaming from hand to skull. God damn this was almost as bad as the day her family was murdered. She wasn’t even sure these people were real or if this was a bad trip. Demons weren’t real, the shrinks all told her the same thing. Hallucination. Coping mechanism. Schizophrenia. The voices in her head were all part of it. Auditory Hallucinations. The demons were visual Hallucinations. "Fuck! I need a drink." She groaned grabbing the bottle and taking just enough to clean her mouth and spitting that onto the floor before downing the rest of the high-octane gut rot. "Everclear would be great. Or Cocaine in Everclear. SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! STOP SCREAMING IN HEAD!!! Just shut up. Leave me alone.” Fuck she couldn’t even stand up right now, and the demon outside the door wanted to chew her soul up and tear it into itty bitty pieces. God Damn that thing reeked like rotting meat and sulfur. But something else was there as well. Fire… and ice.. Cold rage. Fury and Caramel cinnamon.