Jasper was curious to see what the police officers were researching, so he took a closer look - clearly against Kalan's wishes. They were close to a coffee shop that suddenly decided to close during opening hours. So something happened out here? Jasper asked Kalan what he thought of it, but he already knew the answer he was going to get. This was the work of another demon. Even though this demon chose an even more hidden alley than he had done before, the demon's work was caught by the police. However, the demon itself seemed to have escaped. Was this the result of impulsiveness? Miscalculation? Or a bad choice for a victim? Whatever it was, it had nothing to do with Jasper and the longer he would stand there looking at the police officers, the more suspicious he would seem. To his surprise, people were talking of the incident from even a further distance from the coffee shop. People talked fast and the incident had clearly left a big impression on everyone. However, people were more anxious in a very specific direction. Is that were the other demon has gone? Should he follow them? Kalan said that it wasn't a smart idea, but his thirst for blood convinced him to follow the trace anyways. Jasper decided the listen to Kalan as usual. It took some time for them to find it, but in the end they noticed that the trace ended at a door. They were clearly already fighting before they even made it inside. It wouldn't be easy to get inside without anyone noticing and they also had no idea of knowing what they would stumble upon once making it inside. However, they wanted to try. That's why they waited for the perfect moment to get inside the building. There, they noticed some stairs and on the bottom of them was a woman. They heard her mention that demons can't break deals. So this woman was the demon who made a scene at the coffee shop? That's interesting.