[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6z5KAi0.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Meet the Berbignons[/h1][/center] The Perrench siblings met within the noble dorm of the oldest Berbignon. [color=0033cc]”That damned brat didn’t think meeting with his family was worth his time?”[/color] Armand looked as if a blood vessel might pop any second. The only thing keeping his anger from spilling over was the gentle hand of his sister keeping him calm. [color=d4af37]”You know how he is, Armie. He has become busier lately.”[/color] The eldest sibling huffed as the others tried to keep him calm. [color=0033cc]”Perhaps you are right, but Lucien will reach the age to attend. Him not being here. . .”[/color] [color=ff9900]”It is quite alright, Brother. . . I did not expect him to appear anyway.”[/color] The youngest pensively lowered his head. But as the three sat around the table, all with different emotions on the matter, the doors opened and from it the silhouette of the third child would be seen. [color=00e600]”I’m truly sorry that I’m late. I had some business to attend to.”[/color] He used his own capacity to pull back the seat and placed himself onto it. [color=00e600]”Keeping someone as important as Doge Vermidra waiting could set the wrong impression of Perrence itself into their thoughts.[/color] Armand’s anger was visible to everyone in the room. It was supposed to be HIS right, HIS inheritance as the oldest, but instead the third child gained it all for Oraphe liked him slightly more. It’s unfair, his whole branch of the family being cast aside into mediocrity if his younger brother has any child. He smirked rather smugly Yvain's way. [color=0033cc]”So, how is it looking? Found any suitable partners for one as grandiose as yourself?”[/color] Yvain raised his eyebrow. [color=00e600]”Not any in particular, some ladies kept me company in Mezegol, and there was that one other woman.”[/color] The oldest sibling’s smirk only grew more wide upon hearing his younger brother’s words. [color=0033cc]”No, no, I meant as in a marriage partner. Me and Josephine are already expecting our first child, you see? It would be a shame for the heir of our great father to have no children except a couple bastards.”[/color] He took a sip from his glass, him being the only one who had emptied his glass several times over already. [color=00e600]”If my greatness is as people say it is, I must have a suitably great partner, no?”[/color] He twirled his finger on the table. [color=00e600]”Would you tell me if Josephine still resents me for not picking her sister as my betrothed?”[/color] Armand’s expression turned sour once more. [color=0033cc]”She did not like it in the slightest. She was groomed to be your perfect partner, yet you declined her effort, her determination to climb this social ladder our forefathers have created..”[/color] Yvain’s sigh was heavy, he did not wish to explain himself once more. [color=00e600]”She was only acting to be my ‘perfect partner’. I just wish for someone that is real with me. If she would’ve just been true with me instead of saying and doing as she was groomed to do, I would have accepted her.”[/color] [color=0033cc]”You waltz over someone’s effort as just not being ‘real’ enough for you? How heartless can you be, little brother?”[/color] Armand looked around, to see his other two siblings looking rather uncomfortable with the situation. He could stop, but he had to say one last thing. . . [color=0033cc]”Is that Revidian boy’s trueness good enough for you? I heard rumors that the two of you have gotten rather intimate. . . Father’s heart would break if he heard his favorite son turned out to have a taste for Revidian men.”[/color] The third child’s eyes went wide, not with any anger but surprise. [color=00e600]”You’d dirty your own brother’s name for your own good?”[/color] Lucien backed away slightly from the table. [color=0033cc]”Awww, is my baby bwotha angwy with his big bwotha?”[/color] The oldest rubbed his eyes as if he cried. [color=00e600]”No, I’m not angry with you, Armand. I am just disappointed. You say that I like Revidian men so much, yet the way you speak right now. . . It makes it sound like you truly enjoy having the Doge’s sausage in your mouth.”[/color] It was not the younger sibling’s turn to be snarky back. [color=0033cc]”How dare you say that about your older brother, you brat?!”[/color] The leadvein began to draw, so much for the peaceful family gathering. It was then that the sole woman in the room stood up and with a hefty sigh roared out. [color=d4af37]”Enough! Both of you are acting like insolent children.”[/color] She let out a sigh before taking her seat once more. [color=d4af37]”You two will behave or I will make sure Lucien will be the one to inherit it all, securing your futures as either a one-way trip to the monasteries or if you’re lucky, ending up a titleless Zeno.”[/color] The two’s eyes then both traveled to the youngest who reluctantly hid behind his chair. Yvain was the first to speak up after clearing his throat. [color=00e600]”I am sorry, Sister. I spoke out of line.”[/color] He lowered his head, but when the oldest of the four decided to be silent on the matter, Cecile spoke up. [color=d4af37]”Very well, your apology is accepted.”[/color] Lucien was once more seated in his chair, it was a bit more troublesome since he was not as strong as the two brothers he looked up to, nor could he ever be. He looked Yvain’s way and he could feel something in the back of his neck, once the sensation stopped the boy seemed to smile and in return Yvain smiled back. The rest of the festivities went rather smoothly all things considered, the two troublemakers kept in check by the one sister in the group.