[center] [color=Orange][h2]Marauder[/h2][/color] [hr][/center] Despite having captured the Herald, Anna-Marie didn't feel good. It was a diversion and they'd taken one of their own. Being a Hero brought with it a sense of responsibility and caution. If anybody had kidnapped a Brotherhood member, there would have been blood on the streets as they tore the city apart getting them back. It was a purer form of loyalty, though she could no longer ignore or justify the collateral damage. She didn't know what to do with all of this anger. Lacking any other outlet for her restlessness and frustration, she headed to the Danger Room. It was already being used, and Anna-Marie could see on the monitors that Sam was struggling against Billy Infinity and Scare-Crow. Of course, he culd lose this fight and learn a lesson, but The whole point of this group, of any group, was that they were stronger together than individually, and had each other's backs. Anna-Marie pressed a few buttons, adding herself to the simulation, and stepped into the danger room. The fear-inducing of Scare-Crow hadn't yet adjusted to her own fears so she began methodically dispatching the Meta-Mutants and clearing a path towards Sam. She hadn't even copied his powers yet but her own innate powerset and training was more than enough to handle the crowd. Kid Cannonball was swinging wildly, not knowing who or what he was attacking. The number of Billy Infinities was too many to count, and the hallucinations manufactured by the Danger Room were practically the real deal. The Scare-Crow flew back and forth slashing at Sam with his scythe. It appeared as if the blade was on fire and the tech based criminal was more of a bird-like beast man than spindly nerd, at least in the eyes of the hallucinating hero. Marauder, in stark contrast, was dispatching clone after clone with brutal efficiency, no longer holding back in the Danger Room. She was skilled at martial arts but said martial arts were designed for assassination and bloodsports and she usually only utilized them to give herself an opportunity to make skin contact. In here, though, the brutal, ugly side of her fighting style was given time to shine and she was quickly making a path to where Sam was. Marauder was too afraid of herself to be afraid of big monsters or flaming scythes, so there was no hesitation in her movements as she grew closer. "Who else is in here, ANYBODY?!? I don't know what this guy's doing to me and I don't know what's real..." Kid Cannonball screamed out over the mass of monstrous Billy Infinities while trying to dodge the Scare-Crow. Marauder finally reached Sam, and with her still-gloved hand, grabbed his shoulder firmly. [color=Orange]"This is the Danger Room. Absolutely none of this is real,"[/color] she barked at him, before slipping off her glove and tapping his bare neck. Now with the combination of Sam's copied powers and her own strength, focus and training, she took off and made a beeline towards Scare-Crow, reaching Mach 2 from a standing start and planting a kick firmly in the figure's abdomen.