[h1][center][color=00a99d][b]Ice Beast[/b][/color][/center][/h1] Gary stood in the living room area of the T Tower, Everything was tense and serious since Raven’s abduction. Night Vision was barely holding it together, and everyone else wasn’t doing much better. Gary himself was doing what he could to keep spirits up, cracking jokes and trying his best to cheer people up when he could. It seemeed like more it was annoying people than helping them. When Gridlock called out for a game of Street Kombat IX, Gary smiled from ear to ear. He thought about checking on Sam in the Danger Room, but honestly, after what happened during their last battle, unwinding with a video game was just what he needed. “Yeah, I’m in!” Gary replied. He flopped onto the couch next to Gridlock and grabbed a controller. “I’ll give you a run for your money, Vic. Hope you’re ready to lose!” "I'm undefeated in this one online, bro. Nobody touches me with Kenny Scorpion, unless you just use Frozen Ryu and spam the ice bomb." Gridlock responded with his autotune sounding voice and getting his game face on. "I know you're more of a Switchbox guy rather than Gamestation, but they put in gross amounts of sweat and remove the blood and guts..." Gary navigated the character selected screen, and immediately chose Frozen Ryu without hesitation. “I mean, I’m Ice Beast. How can you expect me not to use Frozen Ryu? But don’t worry, I won’t spam the Ice Bombs. Not yet anyway.” He teased, flashing a grin. Gary chuckled as he got settled in. “Yeah yeah, everyone says that about the Switchbox. Does it really matter? It’s about the gameplay at the end of the day. Besides, we see enough blood and guts in real life.” "If you're picking the ice guy then I'm changing it up. Blankano should do the job. What now?! You can be the ice-guy and I'll be half cyborg monster man." Vic said as he quickly slid over the selection of fighters. Gary raised an eyebrow and smirked. “So it’s Cyborg man vs Ice Ninja? I’m down. Just don’t malfunction when you lose!” He teased, giving Vic a playful nudge with his elbow.