[color=6ecff6][h2]❄Erika Olson❄[/h2][/color] [hider=Pokemon] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/d/d5/Spr_5b_478.png[/img] Sno, Froslass ♀ Level 19 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/cc/Spr_5b_345.png[/img] Eep, Lileep ♂ Level 18 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f1/Spr_5b_333.png[/img] Tara, Swablu ♀ Level 17 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/24/Spr_5b_256_m.png[/img] Chic, Combusken ♀ Level 18 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a1/Spr_5b_443_m.png[/img] Gibs, Gible ♂ Level 20 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2095125c07a8e145ba315ff111c6c050?rik=e%2fhOJ0IZbF3xOA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg4.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb20140103174008%2fpokeminds%2fes%2fimages%2f1%2f18%2fInkay_XY.gif&ehk=X2JfTJheaaKOfXJrhvqjBxDDGT6CJQe4XJXh9x9B2f0%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Kay, Inkay ♀ Level 16 Status: [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [color=007236][b]Treetop Badge[/b][/color] 12 Potion 14 Pokeballs 3 Repels 5 Great Balls 4 Antidote 4 Paralysis Heal 1 Escape Rope 3 Tanga Berries 2 Spelon Berries 3 Chesto Berries A Swanna Pail 1 Bug Gem 1 Jaw Fossil 1 Guide to Mt. Strength [b]TM-22[/b] Solar Beam [b]TM-66[/b] Payback 9908P [/hider][hr][hr] With their departure set from her new friends, Erika was sure she'd see them again and be in contact. She did give Maple her address so she could find her mother but it wasn't a secret in Cooldome. Her mother advertised herself as a place for trainers to rest. It was kind of like an inn but she'd usually invite trainers to dinner to share stories and offer battling advice if they were interested. Of course, she'd help them with preparations for climbing to the summit. On the rare occasion, she'd be tasked with finding an ill-prepared trainer on the climb. She knew the mountain better than anyone at this point, it seemed. Back to PokéMania, Erika nodded but she found her stomach turning at the thought of publicly battling against her opponents. She supposed this probably came with the whole grand champion goal as everyone watched the tournament in Isson. She turned and looked at Sno who was watching a colorful display of their host but in neon lights. Erika followed her ghostly gaze and saw a team of Rotoms jumping between the neon lights, sending each one to light up more. [color=6ecff6]"Well Sno, ready to try this out?"[/color] Erika asked, tugging playfully at one of Sno's arms. She shivered, feeling the cold that being both of Ice and a ghost caused. Sno turned and nodded, [color=a187be]"Fros!"[/color] Erika moved on to filling her in description and sign-up. [color=6ecff6][i]Erika Olson, trainer from Cooldome who is aspiring to be champion one day. Stopping here to learn how to think outside the box better![/i][/color] With that, Erika waited until she was called out. Erika nodded as Sno floated in behind her. [color=6ecff6]"Hi, Colin. Erika. You do look pretty cool."[/color] She offered before the battle. Away they went. Inverse and Snagem. That was a bit tricky on first glance but Erika took a moment to consider who might welcome this challenge first in her team. [color=6ecff6]"Alright Gibs, you're up to lead us off!"[/color] She tossed out a Pokeball and Gibs appeared snapping his jaw excitedly. Starting out against Lombre Erika used Sandstorm and then Dragon Rage. She then used Sand-Attack only and waited until the sandstorm buffeted Lombre down to a weakened state before trying to snag him. Against Beautifly, Kay was sent out. Swagger before Topsy-Turvy. Psywave twice. Attempt catch. Against Sneasel. Eep was sent out. Ingrain. Acid until low enough health then try and capture.