[@QueenBea][@Pilatus] Her hands lifted away from the controls swiftly as Chris took control back. A slow breath eased out of her lips, only lightly registering through the headset. She waved her hands lightly before her, the phantom vibrations of the engine still tingling in her grasp. With the slow exhalation completed, she sniffed once to regain her breath and relaxed back against her seat with a groan. She rotated her neck from side to side, seeming to have developed some crick from her unintentional movements while focusing. "Not a thing to run into, nothin' but empty air, and I lean into it like it's a bike. What the hell is my problem?" She laughed and shifted, now focusing on looking out over the scenery. Her forehead rested against the window. She lifted her right hand and brushed over her bare left shoulder, almost hugging herself as a giddiness manifested-- but it did not survive the sight of the winery passing below. She sighed again, mood not entirely soured but certainly brought back into a moderation. "Hey, take as many circuits as you need; papa's footing the gas bill right?" She snorts, her nose wriggling. Her comment did not intend for him to alter his flight path whatsoever, but even she seemed to grow tired of her self pity after it left her lips. She adjusted her posture again, eyes leaving one [i]particularly[/i] irate woman to her fury below. As the Cessna lilted and slowed, Iris looked upwards rather than down. Wild hair splayed around the headset, brushing over her eyes and away from her shoulders and neck as she looked upwards at the sky. Then, as her eyes swiveled and looked at Chris instead she smiled. The casual concentration and talent he wielded was an infectious comfort. "Well, if it's any consolation, there's a [i]young[/i] lady in your passenger seat..." The plane levelled out, her bangs shifted loose of the headset to fall back over her eyes, and she licked her lips. "...who has a certain adoration for this thing. Noise be damned." The finer points and elegance of their landing were lost on Iris, who only experienced Chris' mastery through the ignorant satisfaction of a smooth landing. The aircraft glided along and met the dock seamlessly. Iris did not move until Chris killed the engine. Slowly she pulled the headset off and chewed on her lip, gazing at it between her two hands. She bounced it lightly in her palms then paused, and plucked a stray hair of hers out of a seam in the plastic. "Almost left you a souvenir." She chuckled and let the hair slip between her fingers into the breeze as she opened the Cessna door. The sunlight hit her dark complexion as she leapt out onto the dock and stretched in the familiar warmth and smells of...home. She turned and looked out over the waters, so lost in her sudden dive back into real life that Jewel's arms wrapping around her came as surprise. "Oh, shit, it's you." The words fell from Iris' lips with the full force of her years spent in Miami; crude, affectionate, and with strong affectation. A level of adoration rose in the words and she shifted to hug Jewel back with a full bodied squeeze. Iris pulled back, gazing at Jewel even as Jewel's eyes found Chris. When she spoke next, it was as if Jewel's presence had revived Iris' natural accent in full force. Rather than the Americanized tones she had acclimated to, the Azulean dialect arose; "It's good to see you." The words fell with sincerity, though Iris stepped back a few paces as Miguel approached as well and nodded deferentially to the patriarch. Her presence seemed to diminish for a moment, discussion taking place around and over her rather than at or with. She swept a hand through her hair, basking in the familiarity of it all even as the embers of something fierce stoked within her. There was a natural groove set before her, an easy mental path, to fall back into the shadows she had hid in before her exodus. Gravity pulled her towards those dreary mental pathways with an allure of inevitability. Her reverie placed her a pace behind Jewel and Chris as they made their way towards the invitation. Jewel's words floated to her ears, and Iris raised an eyebrow at the subtle contact her cousin had initiated. "That's an understatement." She laughed loudly, striding forth to match pace with the two and hijacking the conversational direction in one fell swoop. She took up position on Jewel's opposite side from Chris, stretching her arms above her head with a deeply satisfied groan. "We've got a lot of catching up to do, and I need to get out of these pants as fast as humanly possible." She chose to fight the looming inevitability in her mind for now; things would be better this time.