[@Joshua Tamashii] [@Remram] [color=e04f4f]‘Wait, huh?’[/color] Anise looked a bit taken aback at being given a lecturing by Amelia. She didn’t seem to have expected that. She frowned a bit more as she replied. [color=e04f4f]‘What… Fighting-type Pokémon [i]love[/i] challenges! Being in losing situations allows them to prove themselves against their foe! Returning him now would just prove I don’t believe in him!’[/color] [color=e04f4f]‘Besides, I was tricking you!’[/color] Anise finished what she was saying, looking just as Yamask let out a cry in Riolu’s face. Astonish is a physical move, therefore… [color=e04f4f]‘Riolu, Counter!’[/color] … So she yelled, but unfortunately for her Riolu was currently in the process of staggering away with a scared expression from Yamask’s Astonish. Riolu flinched! And because Steadfast had been replaced by Mummy, no speed boost from the ability! [color=e04f4f]‘Oh, gloves,’[/color] Anise muttered, her mere words having given away her plan to Amelia. Does this change Amelia’s strategy?