[center] [color=DarkRed][h3]Orphan X[/h3][/color] [hr][/center] Laura was mentally beating herself up over the Herald fight. She didn't contribute a whole lot to toppling the big guy, her stealth based approach left too much time for her friends to get hurt when she could've been distracting the big guy in time for Marauder to get the helmet. It's not as if she couldn't recover from anything the big idiot threw her way. No point in dwelling on it. Next time she'd be in guns blazing if she needed to. Time to move on. She left her room and made her way to the living room. The news that Raven had been abducted was hitting the team hard. She was a valued member of the team and one Laura had leaned on when she'd first joined up. Not one to show her emotions on her sleeve, Laura kept her mouth shut as she made a coffee and sat on a chair near the couch to watch Gary and Gridlock play their game.