[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/autumn-flowers-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240703/2088c5ef58c4d09c76265a3f4214c9be.png[/img][/url][/center] [quote][sub] Current Location: Peterson Estates, Passenger Island, Castleburg Current Teammates: Blast [@Hitman], Wireframe [@Silver Carrot], Gematria [@Scarifar], Alchemist [@Duoya], Bastion [@Infinite Cosmos] Stray [@Rabidporcupine] [/sub][/quote] [hr][hr] Eva nodded in agreement. She faced the doorway, hands alight in green as she was preparing her paralyzing toxin to shoot at the army of guards that was about to go their way. Surprisingly, it was just a singular man. [Color=Chartreuse]"Jo... Joseph? W-What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at HERO Three with the others?"[/color] Eva asked in confusion and surprise, clearly not expecting him of all people to show up now that she and Jake were just about to go into the secret room. Jake just accepted it pretty quickly, so Eva guessed she had to too. Not that she had any choice anyway. She nodded again in agreement to Jake as he went first into the darkness. She was about to follow him too before she heard Madison through the comms. [Color=Chartreuse]"Peterson's not the mastermind? But how does Toreador know?"[/color] She asked back in confusion at Madison. So far, tonight had only given them more questions than answers. [Color=Chartreuse]"Okay okay. Go help out Rupa and Gematria. Me, Jake, and... Joseph found a secret passageway here in the cellar. Will update you all when we found clues. Over."[/color] Eva then glared at Joseph. [Color=Chartreuse]"I don't know what game you're playing at here. You were supposed to be following orders, not finding a loophole around them. If you somehow mess this up..."[/color] Eva paused to take a quick breath before continuing. [Color=Chartreuse]"We were each given our own assignments. Don't go mess up ours just because you're bored with yours."[/color] She angrily said to him as she followed Jake to the passageway. Like the others, she found herself in the quintessential villain's secret room. [Color=Chartreuse]"This looks like a workshop or something, and it probably is too."[/color] Eva replied, looking at the scraps and heaps of metal on the tables. [Color=Chartreuse]"Do any of you have a camera or something like that? We need to record all thi-"[/color] She jumped in surprise when the metal door where they came from shut loudly on its own. The 'garage' door then opened and out came these weird-looking robots. Just the way their red eyes contrast against their emotionless faced and wirey bodies made them look extra creepy to Eva. This had got to be the work of another villain, one who's specialty was making evil robots to try and take over the world. [Color=Chartreuse]"Gholem."[/color] Eva said in annoyance. What did he have to do with Peterson? No, based from what Madison said if it was indeed true, someone else must be backing the mad scientist up. Before she could demand more information out of him, Jake swiftly knocked him out cold. [Color=Chartreuse]"I... Okay."[/color] She said in a defeated tone. First the toxin she wasted in putting into the guards and guests' bodies, then the camera, then Joseph's surprise appearance, then this. She made a mental note to ask Powers to let her do more solo missions, beg even if she had to. The robots started blasting away and Eva pushed a table forward, letting the metal fall on the floor as she used the table as a shield. [Color=Chartreuse]"Blast, Stray! Don't go near me!"[/color] She warned her teammates, not wanting them to get accidentally affected by her toxin. Some of the robots kept blasting at the table so she tossed her faux fur coat up in the air, hoping they'll get distracted by it. If it worked, they would've blasted the coat into ashes and she'll emerge from the side, blasting them with acid that will melt them down.