[center][img]https://cdn-ssl.s7.shopdisney.com/is/image/ShopDisney/mb_captain-america_20220926_2x?fit=constrain&cropN=0,0,1,1&fmt=jpeg&qlt=90&wid=1200[/img][/center] [b][right]FORMER SOVIET PRISON // UNKNOWN LOCATION[/RIGHT][/B] [b]1045HRS[/b]. He had been selected to train the next Red Guardian, Nikolai Krylenko. They stood in the boxing ring, the shield was affixed to Nikolais back. [I]His[/i] shield. This was the closest he had gotten too in for about forty years, since Alexei tried to break him out. Nikolai had removed his cowl, which showed just how long he was. He could have barely cracked his twenties. Not that Steve had been much older when he had signed up for the Super-Serum. Though, that had been a different time. Steve finished wrapping his hands with medical tape, throwing the roll outside the ring. [color=steelblue]"Any ground rules?"[/color] Nikolai bragged a cracked smile as he shook his head. [color=crimson]"Nyet. No rules."[/color] Steve raised an eyebrow. [color=steelblue]"Are you sure-?"[/color] Nikolai nodded as he lunched forward, grunting as he did so. Steve twisted to avoid the punch, grabbing Nikolais wrist he used his own momentum with a simple twist and pull sending Nikolai face first to the deck. The tumbling Russian put his hands out in front of himself and twisted his momentum into a roll. As he came back up and twisted towards Steve he found his opponent stood in a boxing stance fists raised and feet separated at the ready. Nikolai feinted left with his fist, Steve turning his body into it. Nearly realizing too late as Nikolais right foot came within millimetres of his ribcage. Steve flashed a smile. [color=steelblue]"You're good. Faster than Alexei ever was."[/color] [color=crimson]"Da. There have been much improvements in the program since then, but are we talking or fighting?"[/color] Steve held out a hand as Nikolai lunged. [color=steelblue]"If you'll just, one request before we continue?"[/color] He allowed his eyes to well up. Nikolai simply raised an eyebrow. [color=steelblue]"One soldier to another, can I hold my old shield?"[/color] Steve pointed towards the disk on Nikolais back. He seemed to hesitate for a second before something clicked for him, reaching back and pulling it off its perch. [color=crimson]"It is least I can do."[/color] Steve smiled as the familiar weight returned to his hands, light as ever. He wasn't too thrilled by the colourscheme but he could feel his spirits raise the moment he put his arm through the leather straps. It fit like an old coat, snug and perfect. [color=crimson]"Okay, that is enough-"[/color] Steve stroked around the edge of the shield with his free hand, trying to find any imperfections. Seemingly transfixed. Nikolai stepped forward, grabbing the shield in both hands to pull it away from Steve. [color=crimson]"-give it back no-"[/color] [b][I][h3]CRUNCH[/h3][/I][/b] Steve pushed the shield forward into Nikolais nose with all the strength he could muster, he had very little doubt that it had been instantly broken as the Russian stumbled backwards with a dumbfounded look upon his face. His eyes went wide as he let go of the shield, however he had no chance to react as Steve followed through with his right fist catching Nikolai square in the jaw. The momentum carried off him feet and several feet away before he came to a stop. [color=steelblue]"Consider that a lesson on not handing over your weapon-"[/color] Jumping over the rope he started making his way to the door, before turning back around and shouting back to Nikolai. [color=steelblue]"-Oh, and never let your guard down."[/color]