[color=gold][center][h1][i][b]DELTΔ HYPER[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color][color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Episode One: Finding their Feet[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [hr][quote]"Ava has smiled just once!" Aurora chuckled, smiling, as Bea continued to respond, the literal Aurora in hologram chuckling. "Well, I'll hold you to that, Bea. #RallyBrave! Any last words for the crew before you get started?"[/quote] [color=#1EFF24]”Why ‘last words’, I don’t plan on leaving this early.”[/color] Bea shrugged with a cheeky smile, [color=#1EFF24]”On a slightly more serious note the team did a bang up job not only with setup and preparation but also adapting the ship to tech they’ve never worked with before. They’ve done all they could, up to me to deliver now.”[/color] [hr][center][h2]Sunday March 5th, 2094, 13:15 Auckland, NZ[/h2][h3]Grid photo[/h3][/center]With the photoshoot done, Bea was eager to get back to the paddock and get out of the suit for a few more hours. Without the immersion liquid, it was getting toasty in it. Hearing her name called out by a voice she couldn’t readily assign to a face she turned around, in no small amount of disbelief at who she saw waving her down. Walking backwards and slowing down to allow Amy to catch up, Bea didn’t know what she expected from the ensuing exchange, but definitely not that. [color=#1EFF24]”Flustered? Who, me?”[/color] She pointed to herself with a smile, perfectly timed as she went slightly red in the face. She turned around to walk forward again when Amy caught up, not feeling Amy’s hand much through her suit while her own probably weighed down on the other Brit’s shoulder. [color=#1EFF24]”I’m all ears.”[/color] She replied when Amy said she’d be in touch, not getting another sentence in before the three time champion slinked away. Nearing the team area in the paddock, Bea caught up to Ava. [color=#1EFF24]”Good luck today, Comandante.”[/color] She gave her teammate a light-hearted salute before the two parted ways. [hr][center][h2]Sunday March 5th, 2094, 17:00 Auckland, NZ[/h2][h3]Paddock[/h3][/center]The interview might have been over, but the Delta Hyper cameras were still rolling. In one of the Carrera Condor garages, a ritual was taking place. Bea stood in the back of the garage, arms held out to the sides, a crew member working on her suit. Noticing the lurking camera, she beckoned it closer with her hand, the camera remaining outside the garage to be out of the way, yet close enough to pick up audio. “Aight, should be solid.” Larry, a 72 years old and 108 kilogram Pridwen employee in charge of the liquid immersion tech said after rechecking the fit of her suit. Bea took a step back and did a series of stretches and jumps to run the suit through its range of motion and make sure it was settled properly and not shifting. [color=#1EFF24]”Feels good.”[/color] He handed her a rubber cap that held her headset, head cam and kept her hair dry and in check inside the helmet, attaching four laryngophones contained in patches about the size of a post stamp to her throat - defense sector equipment from a few decades back made available to the public maybe 30 years ago - as she fastened the cap and connected the comms. [color=#129914]”Radio check?”[/color] Alistair’s voice came over the radio after getting a thumbs up from Larry. She moved her head and jaw around to make sure the laryngophones were secure. [color=#1EFF24]”Good check.”[/color] Bea answered without moving her lips, her voice coming through the team radio and the suit’s built-in speaker. Speaking with the helmet, mouth and lungs full of liquid would’ve been a tough ask, requiring subvocal recognition to circumvent the problem. Using the neural link was initially suggested but quickly discounted as unnecessary, and since Bea’s headcam was recording mic input as opposed to the radio itself, her inner monologue would be audible in the recording as an added benefit for the fans. Next came the breathing mask that helped move the liquid in and out of her lungs before she put on the helmet and the suit was pressurized to verify the seals held tight. “Seals aight, good for the liquid?” [color=#1EFF24]”Am I ever?”[/color] A mix of unease and disgust apparent in her voice despite the attempt at humor. The suit filling was never pleasant, but it was tolerable. Yet no matter how many times she’d done it, her heart always started racing as the liquid started rising past her shoulders and her brain had to confront the fact that she was about to inhale something that felt like water and smelled like rotting apples. Good thing Larry had been in charge of that program since the first flight tests and knew how to talk people through it. All in all pretty good. The first time they’d done this four months ago, she had a full-blown panic attack. Final checks complete, she approached the ship, the typical Carrera Condor eight-bit rainbow with the name “Akela” airbrushed under the canopy on the left side in Bea’s handwriting, and took her seat in the cockpit, wiggling around to sink into the gel-like crash couch almost like sitting on a beanbag chair. Doing up the safety harness, Larry disconnected the portable liquid circulation unit, connected the immersion liquid hoses to the ship and rechecked her straps. The HUD came on; track map, lap counter, start lights and current flags, a compressed 360° view around the ship and proximity indicators among others supplementing the neural feedback. “Good luck today.” Larry patted Bea’s shoulder, returning her fistbump. [hr][center][h3]The race[/h3][/center] [color=#129914]”Mulder point oh nine behind, point one five per lap faster.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Are we racing him or not?”[/color] [color=#129914]”Our fight is elsewhere.”[/color] She moved off the line on the next straight, the video and eye tracker showing she checked to see if he waved like they joked before the race, unlikely as it was. Taking a hand off the controls at that speed was closer to her levels of insanity. [color=#129914]”Yellow yellow, sector two.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Who? They alright?”[/color] [color=#129914]”Falkner. Don’t know yet.”[/color] Bea glanced at the wreck as she passed it a few seconds later. [color=#1EFF24][i]’Come on, man, get out.’[/i][/color] The recording voiced her thoughts. [color=#129914]”He’s out and walking.”[/color] Alistair informed her not 20 seconds later. [color=#1EFF24]”Good.”[/color] [color=#129914]”Lowry point three behind.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Power?”[/color] [color=#129914]”Charged.”[/color] Bea took an early apex, narrow-exit line through the next corner to set her up for the ELS charging passthrough on the next straight. At the same time, Lowry braked early and went for a pass down the inside, allowing her to get on the power early and shoot out of the corner like a kicked football with Fitzroy taking advantage of the opportunity and following her through. [color=#1EFF24]”Fuuuuh!”[/color] [color=#129914]”Head down, he’s slow in tight corners.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24][i]’And I’m in the head.’[/i][/color] She ended up having to use the energy to close the gap she created by wasting her time charging. She had a look down the inside into the next turn, a right-left chicane on and off Domain Drive, Henry covering his back in the first kink but the move compromised his line through the following left-hander and allowed Bea to switch over, stick her nose in before he turned into the corner and slip through with maybe three centimeters between her ship and the wall, but by that point Lowry had expended her ELS charge and was too far ahead to catch in the remaining two laps. [hr][center][h3]Post-race interviews[/h3][/center][quote]"Hey Bea, a nice and steady race for you there and tangling with the back of the mid-pack, with lots of cut and thrust. Looks like lots of lessons learned in your first round on strategy and ELS, but you showed some promising pace and I imagine with more underneath you, you'd do better! What do you think you've learned the most from that race?"[/quote] [color=#1EFF24]”You’re too kind. I don’t know what race you were watching, but that was everything but nice, I drove like a complete bellend. Take away the technical failures and poor Ulrich’s incident and I’d be P19. Yeah, you could say ‘that’s racing, it still counts’ but we all know that’s not the case outside of the leaderboard. I’ve got work to do.”[/color] Bea took the brutally honest route, [color=#1EFF24]”Definitely lessons learned today, some stupid mistakes that could’ve been easily avoided, figuring out when charging is and isn’t worth it… Congratulations to Ava, an amazing result given the machinery we’re working with. Clearly there is some pace in the ship, it’s just a matter of figuring out how to get it out. And shoutout to Nora, obviously. Even if their ship is second best on the grid, beating an experienced teammate on debut is nothing to sneeze at.”[/color] [hr][center][b]Bea Ward @MadBea[/b]: [i]"Not the result I was hoping for today, but the past is to be learned from and the future to be looked toward. Shoutout to [b]@FlyingAva[/b] for a stellar performance today, keeping the Kittens looking over their shoulder. Looking forward to making that a proper 2v2 next race!” #CarreraCondorFA #FormulaAG #AGRacing #AucklandAGP[/i] [/center] [b]CarreraCarmen:[/b] P11? Could it be? Could this be hope? After all these years? O.O [b]Zero:[/b] With Ava P11, I can’t wait to see what you’ll do once you get familiar with the ship. [b]Xinny:[/b] Don’t forget the upgrades. Imagine what the Pridwen tech will bring! [b]MadBea:[/b] Can’t talk about that, but it will be big! [b]DohnJoe:[/b] they finna roll up with a whole fighter jet [b]Xinny:[/b] Imagine an Ikeya or an Antares-B pulling up on the grid. [b]GalwayGirl:[/b] Oh she’d do it if it was legal. [b]User420:[/b] Ain’t cheating, ain’t trying ;) [b]MrSmooth:[/b] That Silver Apex grindset :D [b]Mate0:[/b] We really lost Joaquin for this? [b]IronBeer:[/b] He had twice the JFA time, half the points to show for it, the media presence and charisma of a dead fish and the best sponsor he brought was a catering company. [b]Javi:[/b] shut ur bitch ass up, nobody asked u [b]Briat77:[/b] Dude she’s not gonna do you no need to suck up. [b]Mate0:[/b] Pirata copium. [b]UrbanMaverick:[/b] Seethe, Argie. [b]Sol_de_Mayo:[/b] Agree it was quite sad. Maybe should stick to painting, she’s actually good at that. [b]UrbanMaverick:[/b] All you haters need to seek grass. You’re chatting shite about someone whose art helped pull me through depression. The hell did Ibanez ever do for anyone but himself? [b]MadBea:[/b] Glad to know you’re doing better and I appreciate your support, but try to keep things civil, please. [b]Richie:[/b] Tad disappointed with Bea honestly. She’s cute and all and we still stan our national goofball in this house, but she needs a few good ones if she wants to prove she belongs in FA, otherwise she should go back to rallying and get that Driver’s WRC. [b]AndesAG:[/b] wouldnt mind if she did, she and burns were comedy gold. That polish stage without power steering sends me everytime [b]DohnJoe:[/b] bro imagine the team radio if he was her race engineer :D please make it happen [b]@CarreraCondorFA[/b] [b]Hotstuff:[/b] pretty shitty of villarosa to fuck off into the distance like that, literally starting behind one another FFS [b]TheMassive:[/b] It’s called a motor race, they went motor racing [b]MadBea:[/b] A bit of help would’ve been nice, or we might’ve both ended up in the depths of Hell. Remember that in the end, all 20 of us are there to do the best for ourselves. [center][b]Timothy Hill @TruckerTim[/b]: [i]"YOOOOO! My cuz is a cargo handler at the Auckland airport and he just saw [b]@SilverStirling[/b] and [b]@MadBea[/b] boarding Stirling’s shuttle together!” #Auckland #FormulaAG #ConspiracyTime[/i] [/center]